Focus on Writing 2

A Comprehensive Book for Successful Writing

By: Osnat Asher


ישראל 1720

עמודי דפוס 4-283

העתיקה: בתי מנחם

הספרייה המרכזית לעיוורים

ישראל  1820

מספר סידורי: 51858

העתקה או העברה של העותק המותאם בניגוד להוראות חוק התאמת יצירות, ביצועים ושידורים לאנשים עם מוגבלות התשע"ד - 2014, מהווה הפרה של זכות יוצרים.


Rationale and Structure


The English Teaching Curriculum of Israel requires students to write essays in English. Most students struggle with writing and tend to translate their ideas from their home language into English and, as a result, write poorly. To prevent them from falling into this unproductive trap, students can be taught to write well through exposure to model essays, practice in developing thinking and organization skills, and vocabulary enrichment.

This book includes:

An introductory unit focusing on general guidelines for writing. - Eight units covering a variety of writing genres.

Each genre unit provides:

- Definitions and characteristics

- Lists of useful expressions

- Lists of linking words and connectors

- Model essays

- A variety of writing tasks

- Enrichment

- Unit glossary

Model Essays

Reading the model essays will enable students to differentiate between various writing genres and become familiar with appropriate openings and conclusions, as well as suitable connectors, openings and endings. In addition, students will learn correct punctuation and develop a rich vocabulary - essential elements of essay writing. What's more, students will be given content ideas for a range of writing topics suitable to that genre.

Writing Tasks

These writing tasks will facilitate the writing process and help students produce clear, convincing and well thought-out pieces of writing. Many of the tasks will also reinforce the students' thinking skills.

The book is suitable for self-study, as well as for classroom lessons. It can also be used to help students develop oral presentation skills required for the Oral Bagrut.

Teachers may adapt the material to suit the grade and level of the class. They can elaborate on, summarize or simplify the original essays.


By working through this book, students will:

- develop their writing skills in: organization, mechanics, word choice, sentence structure and overall development

- develop their ability to write in a variety of genres and for different purposes

- develop helpful pre-writing, revision and editing strategies

- enrich their vocabulary



General Guidelines for Writing Essays



1. Most essays consist of three parts:

an introduction

a main body

a conclusion

2. Each paragraph should contain a topic sentence and supporting details.

The topic sentence indicates the main idea or the thesis of the paragraph.

The supporting details develop and support the main idea of the paragraph.

3. To make your ideas clear, it is important to organize your essay well and to use appropriate linking words and connectors.

Writing Process

Before you write explore your topic, collect details and plan your writing.

The first step in any writing task is brainstorming and organizing ideas.

Write down any words and ideas that pop into your head that are relevant to the topic of your essay.

Example: Brainstorwing about Mr. Suwwers

sports teacher


encourages us

tells jokes



makes exercising fun

gives good advice

always friendly

teaches important things

(For more examples of Brainstorming or List Making, see page 11)


Use word maps or graphic organizers to put your ideas into logical order.

(בספר תרשים זרימה - היעזר במורה).

Mr. Summers - sports teacher and coach

helpful, makes exercising fun, tells jokes, encourages us, gives good advice, smart

Write a draft

Formulate / Write your ideas.

The main purpose in writing a first draft is to get your ideas down on paper.

Put your ideas into sentences. Then build the sentences into paragraphs. (See Connectors and Linking Words and Expressions on page 8.)

Don't worry about mistakes at this point. Mistakes can be corrected later, after you have finished writing.

After you write your draft. Improve your writing.

1. Read your draft and ask yourself the following questions:

Do I sound interested in my topic?

Did I present my topic clearly?

Does my opening sentence grab the reader's attention?

)See Ways to Catch the Reader's Attention on page 12.(

Are my words specific and descriptive?

Do my ideas flow together smoothly?

Is the length of the essay as instructed?

2. Check your paragraphs and ask yourself the following questions:

Is my paragraph composed of three or more sentences which relate to the same idea?

Have I written an effective topic sentence which clearly states the main idea of the paragraph?

Have I included enough supporting details which give more information about my topic sentence?


Have I written an effective concluding sentence which restates the main idea of my paragraph?

Have I used connectors and linking words when necessary to connect one idea or sentence to another?

(See the list of Connectors and Linking Words on pages 8-9).

If the answer to any of these questions is NO, your paragraph needs further work!

3. Word Choice:

- Think about the words you used. Do they describe the subject effectively?

- Use synonyms to replace words you have used too often.


I think drinking 1.5 liters of water every day is very important.

In my opinion, drinking 1.5 liters of water every day is essential.

4. Check your punctuation:

Did I end my sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point(!)?

Did I use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words / phrases / sentences?

Did I use capital letters - for the first person (!), to begin a sentence, for names of places and people, for days of the week / months of the year, for nationalities etc.?

5. Check your spelling and grammar:

Is my spelling correct?

Did I use the verb tenses correctly?

Are there any grammatical mistakes?

Did I use suitable connectors and linking words?

Write the final essay. Finalize your writing.

Once you are satisfied that you have checked and corrected your draft according to the guidelines, rewrite the essay. Take a final look at your essay to be sure that your writing is clear and comprehensible!

Use the checklist at the end of each unit to help you complete your work successfully.


Connecting Ideas Effectively

It is important to connect ideas effectively when writing. Using suitable words and expressions to link one idea to the next can help the reader understand your essay better. Below is a list of such words and expressions, divided according to their function. Using them will help you write effectively.

Connectors and Linking Words and Expressions

To add points on the same topic

Moreover, in addition to, apart from that, furthermore, in addition, what's more, also, but also, not only .... but also, as well, as well as, too, aside from, besides.

To express contrast

But, still, although, unlike, nevertheless, even though, however, contrasted to, in spite of, in contrast to, in spite of the fact that, yet, on the one hand, despite, on the other hand, whereas, contrary to, while, on the contrary, rather than.

To present a result / effect

So, therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, thereby

To describe cause / reason

owing to, owing to the fact that, due to, due to the fact that, because, because of, as a result of, since, as, thanks to.

To show purpose

for several / a couple of / many / a variety of / reasons

in order to, so as to, so that to.

To give an example

such as, like, for example, for instance, to illustrate.


To express personal opinion

In my opinion, In my view, From my viewpoint, I feel that, Personally, I think that, As 1 see it, I claim, I think that, I strongly believe that, I firmly believe that, It seems to me that.

To show sequence

Beginning: First, First and foremost, Firstly, First of all, In the first place, To start with, To begin with, For one thing

Continuing: Second, After that, Secondly, Afterwards, Next, Later, Then.

Concluding: Finally, Lastly, Last but not least

To conclude

To sum up, To conclude, In conclusion, All in all, On the whole, Overall, In short, All things considered, In light of the arguments presented above, Taking everything into account, For the above mentioned reasons, As was previously stated, Taking all this into consideration, In the light of the information mentioned above.

To present arguments for: The major advantage of, A further advantage of, One major advantage of, An additional advantage of, The main advantage of.

To present arguments against: Another disadvantage of, An additional disadvantage of, One disadvantage of, A further disadvantage of, An additional negative effect of, One major disadvantage of, Another drawback.

To emphasize

in fact, as a matter of fact, actually, especially.

To show order of importance

most importantly, above all, primarily


Practice Using Connectors and Linking Words

A. Complete the sentences with suitable connectors and linking words.

1.-- Tomer is a quick-tempered adolescent, everybody loves him.

2. My dad was fired from his job. --, he has been very angry and upset lately.

3. --, a great teacher is one who loves his or her job and who knows how to engage all students in the lesson.

4. On the one hand, having a girlfriend or boyfriend during high school can be great. --, it can distract you from your studies.

5. -- popular belief, organic food is not necessarily healthier than regular food.

6. -- do well on a test, students need to plan ahead and study wisely.

7. Physical activity is very useful in losing weight. --, in order to achieve optimum results, you have to combine diet with exercise.

8. -- Skype is that it offers instant messaging and allows its users to move to voice and video quickly and easily.

B. Combine the following sentences using suitable connectors and linking words.

1. Tom faced a lot of obstacles. He managed to reach his goal.

-- Tom faced a lot of obstacles, he managed to reach his goal.

2. Mr. Kedem is very strict with his students. His students are afraid of him.

Mr. Kedem is very strict with his students, and -- his students are afraid of him.

3. Having computer skills is very helpful in every aspect of life today. That's what I think.

-- having good computer skills is very helpful in every aspect of life today.


Examples of Brainstorming or List Making

Prior to writing an essay, it is important to brainstorm for ideas. You can do this in the form of a word map or by making a list. Here are some examples:

Description of a person

Physical appearance: tall / muscled / thin / broad-shouldered / handsome.

Personality: stubborn / kind-hearted / easygoing / opinionated / intelligent honest / thoughtful / enthusiastic / passionate.

Power of the media

Positive effects: information / knowledge / influences opinion

Negative effects: violation of privacy / no censorship (צינזור) / immoral or vulgar (לא מוסרי או וולגרי), disclosures (גילויים).

Leisure time activities

indoor / outdoor activities / youth movements / volunteering organizations / membership in .../ nature trips / physical exercise / sports clubs / gym


physical and mental harm (נזק) preventive measures (דרכי מניעה) willpower / self-discipline (משמעת עצמית) rehabilitation centers (מרכזי שיקום) campaigns (תעמולות).

Road safety

condition of the roads / police presence / car maintenance (תחזוקה) / stricter laws / training in avoiding accidents (מניעת תאונות) / obeying traffic rules / fines (קנסות) / penalties (עונשים) / driving carefully / keeping distance / driving carelessly overcrowded / roads / poor maintenance of cars /

the main cause of death and injury I drivers' intolerance

traffic rules or road signs / driving / disregarding / technical problems on the roads

IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) / National Service

compulsory service (שירות חובה) / combat units / motivation / feeling of patriotism / mental and physical preparation.


physical / verbal violence (אלימות מילולית) / violence on television, on the Internet and in movies / light punishments / lack (חוסר) / of parental authority (סמכות הורית).

Computer use

radiation (קרינה) / harmful to your eyes / addictive / unhealthy / lack of privacy / hack false / I online bullying I not enough exercise I inappropriate content information / viruses / doesn't develop social skills


Practice Brainstorming

For each of the categories on page 11, add TWO more suitable words or phrases using the following list. Then, add your own - one for each category.

programmers, self-centered, not enough exercise, becoming more independent, outgoing, meeting up with friends, job opportunities, eating out, riots (מהומות) in sports stadiums, slender, communication, dependence, marketing, hanging out, aggressiveness, not paying attention, impatient, skinny, driving courses, supportive, peer group pressure, crisscrossing pedestrian crosswalks, a sense of pride.

Ways to Catch the Reader's Attention

Add a relevant quote of a famous person to help support your argument and create an interesting link that will grasp the reader's attention.

Tell an anecdote - A humorous anecdote, for example, can help you capture the reader's attention and spark interest in the topic.

Pose a question - A well-constructed question can attract attention and make readers want to continue reading in order to find out the answer.

Add an interesting fact or definition - This may surprise readers with something new and will arouse their interest.

Present your thesis - You can also get straight to the point and open with the main argument. If readers find it interesting, they will want to read on.

Present a common misconception (תפיסות מוטעות) - Show readers that a commonly accepted truth is actually false. This may grab their attention.

Present statistics - If you add proven statistics, you will create interest.


Unit 1 Opinion Essays


An opinion essay expresses how you think or feel about a topic. It presents your viewpoint. Your aim is to convince the reader that your opinion is right. You need to justify your opinion.

Guidelines for Writing Opinion Essays


Introductory paragraph State the topic and your opinion.

Try to catch the reader's attention right away.

Example:(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה)

Health Benefits of Soy Milk

Weak Opening: I think soy milk contains healthy nutrients.

Strong Opening: The nutrients in soy milk help to protect the body from disease and to promote good health.

Main body: Support your viewpoint with reasons and examples.

- Begin a new paragraph for each reason.

- Each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that states one reason.

- Then use at least two supporting details for each reason.

Conclusion: Summarize the argument you have made and restate your personal opinion about the topic.

- End in a way that your reader will remember.


Weak Ending: Experts agree that soy milk is a healthy choice.

Strong Ending: Drinking soy milk can improve people's health and their lives. So if you want to stay healthy, you should consider switching to soy milk.


Writing process

Before you write: brainstorm for ideas

Brainstorm for ideas. use a chart to organize for your essay.


TV commercials are beneficial


- people can learn about new products.

- they provide entertainment.

- people can learn about special sales.


- new products: clothing stores can show new fashion lines.

- entertainment: stores advertise discounts to attract customers.

Once you have created a general plan, research the topic on the internet or interview people.

Write a draft just write!

- write a first draft of your opinion essay according to the General Guidelines (pages 5-7).

- use the information from the chart or list of brainstorming ideas to write your essay.

- don’t worry about spelling or punctuation now. You can fix any errors when you revise your final draft.

After you write tour draft improve your writing.

Reread your first draft and make sure that:

You stated your opinion clearly.

You supported your opinion with appropriate reasons, facts and examples.

You wrote an opening that catches the reader's attention.

You wrote a strong concluding sentence.

You used a variety of descriptive words.

You used suitable connectors and linking words and expressions.

You used useful language for expressing an opinion.



End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

Use capital letters for the following: the first person (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week / months of the year, nationalities, etc.

Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its - it's, their-they're, etc.).


Make sure that:

Sentences include a subject and a verb.

Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final essay. Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your essay to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your essay. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 41) to help you.

Useful Language

- In my opinion,

- I personally think I feel that...

- Personally, I feel that...

- I hope I feel I think that...

- As I see it…

- My feeling is…

- I believe that...

- I believe beyond any doubt that...

- I totally agree with (the notion that...)

- I strongly believe that...

- I personally disagree with ...

- In my view…

- I firmly believe…

- I honestly think…

- I truly believe that...

- I support this statement.

- There are a few of reasons why I support I object to this claim.

- There is no doubt in my mind that...

- I highly I strongly recommend…

- I totally disagree…

- I couldn't agree more with the…

- I would like I wish to

express my opinion regarding…

-…, for a number of reasons.

- For example,

- Next, I will present...

- I will present some insights about...

- As far as I'm concerned,

- I am opposed to…

- I oppose...

- I am in favor of...

- I'm strongly opposed to

- From my point of view,

- From my viewpoint,

- It seems to me that...

- In my experience,

- If you ask me,


Look at some example sentences of useful language:

In my opinion, it is important to have school uniforms.

As I see it, spending a lot of time on the computer is a waste of time.

I honestly think that it is very important to be involved in volunteering.

I think every person should make time, at least half an hour a day, for physical activity.

I personally think that electric bicycles are dangerous.

In my view, technological progress has certainly changed our lives for the better.

I will present some insights about the idea / notion / issue of becoming a vegetarian.

I believe that commercials are very important and useful.

If you ask me, Waze is a brilliant invention that has made drivers' lives so much easier.

There is no doubt in my mind that such a course will better prepare youngsters for adult life.

I'm strongly opposed to forcing students to go on field trips.

I am in favor of school yoga classes, because yoga is a beneficial activity.

Personally, I feel that mobile platforms and applications can be very helpful to students.

I couldn't agree more with the writer's argument that stricter rules are needed to reduce violence in schools.

I strongly believe that it is much more important to have good manners than to have years of schooling.


Pre-writing Tasks

A. Below are viewpoints on various topics. Read the viewpoints and match them to their justifications.


1. As I see it, travelling is the best form of education.

2. In my opinion, high school students should be allowed to choose their own subjects.

3. It seems to me that schools should reward students for good scores and achievements.

4. In my view, participants in the Olympic Games should be older than 18.

5. I strongly believe that each obstacle that you face in life makes you stronger.

6. I personally believe that the two-month summer break from school is too long.

7. I think that there should be a ban on television advertisements.

8. The way I see it, diversity is something positive and beneficial in every aspect of life.


a. The competitions are very demanding* and stressful. Athletes need to push themselves to the limit of their ability in order to compete.

b. Hardship makes you look at a problem and cope with it.

c. First, they interrupt what you are watching, which is annoying. Second, they tempt you to buy things you don't necessarily need.

d. It can boost their motivation and performance.

e. It gives you a chance to experience and accept things you aren't accustomed to.

f. You discover cultural differences, learn new languages and develop social skills and maturity. Plus, you gain independence and learn about yourself.

g. It breaks the rhythm of study and causes students to forget material. What's more, it makes getting back into a routine very difficult.

h. When you study subjects you like, you are motivated, you learn with more enthusiasm, and school is enjoyable for you.

B. Choose another way to say the following phrases. Use the bank.

Bank: I honestly think that, In my view, There is no doubt in my mind that, I totally agree, I am an opponent of, I couldn't agree less, I support

1. I believe beyond any doubt that --

2. I completely agree --

3. In my opinion --

4. I totally disagree --

5. I truly think that --

6. I am in favor of --

7. I am opposed to --


Complete the sentences below with phrases from (B). There is more than one correct answer.

1. -- there is a strong connection between obesity and low

2. -- with the idea of forcing students to participate in all

school activities.

3. -- eating fast food is unhealthy.

4. -- English speaking contests in schools to encourage

students to practice speaking.

5. -- inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.

6. -- positive thinking makes you healthier.

7. -- anti-violence programs are necessary in schools.

D. Complete the following opinion essay with the correct phrases (see pages 8-9). There is more than one correct answer.

Virtual Friendships

Nowadays, children are spending more and more time playing with gadgets, rather than playing with their peers. There is less face-to-face interaction amongst children since many of them prefer to chat with their friends on their smartphones than in

person. (1) --, this is a negative

phenomenon that has a significant number of drawbacks, (2) --. (3) --, spending time in person with friends is very important. It

makes us feel good. It provides us with a sense of well-being and increases our feeling of belonging.

(4) --, when you meet your friends, you gradually build a real and

meaningful friendship that you hope will last a long time. There is something about face-to-face interaction that is crucial for maintaining friendships. Facebook, Instagram and Twitter allow us to interact with many people on a superficial level, but they don't help us form strong, long- lasting bonds.


Unit 1 - Opinion Essays

(5) --, it's hard to show affection in virtual friendships. You can't hug your friends, hold their hands and show them sympathy online. It's not enough to provide emotional support through emoticons and writing. People need the warmth and understanding expressed through body language, facial expressions and eye contact.

(6) --, communicating with friends via social networks creates a culture of laziness. Children, (7) --, now prefer to go home after school and chat with their friends through social networking websites instead of going out and getting exercise.

(8)-- interacting with your friends by using technological devices is easy and convenient, (9) -- there is no substitute for face-to-face contact!

Therefore, (10) -- having real-life friendships.

E. Choose SEVEN words from the Unit Glossary (page 42). Write sentences using these words together with phrases from Useful Language (page 15).

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

6. --

7. --


Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Should Field Trips Be Done Away With?

No student in their right mind would say no to school trips. Yet, some people believe that these trips are a waste of time and money, and should be cancelled. In my opinion, field trips are extremely important and shouldn't be done away with, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, students learn a lot about nature during these trips. They get a chance to interact with the things they learn about in the classroom. For example, many science museums allow children to touch the displays. This enriches their knowledge and broadens their horizons in a fun way, outside the classroom.

Secondly, students form important bonds with each other during these trips. They become part of the group. They also get to know their classmates better during the bus rides and when sharing a room. This encourages them to develop new friendships.

In addition, thanks to these trips, students learn to enjoy hiking, climbing and other physical activities, which they can't do in the classroom. This helps them develop healthy habits and arouses their curiosity, while introducing them to new activities they may not have experienced before.

In summary, I truly believe that field trips are important for the development of the students, both educationally and socially. While they may not need to be compulsory, they certainly have positive effects and, therefore, shouldn't be done away with.

What arguments does the writer present to express his / her opinion?

Argument 1: --

Argument 2: --

Argument 3: --


B. Do you think field trips are important? Write a paragraph expressing your opinion.

- Use connectors and useful language that are different from the ones used in the model essay (see pages 8-9 and 15).

C. Now write an essay expressing your opinion about the following topic: Should School Exams Be Done Away With?

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Brainstorm for ideas. Write your ideas in the graphic organizer.

- Write 120-140 words.

- You can use these words and phrases:

cause, anxiety, replace, memorize test knowledge, stress, alternative assessment, panic, assess abilities, helpful.

Should school exams be done away with?


Topic: --

Complete the checklist, page 41


Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.


Have you ever dreamed of studying at home instead of at school? Think again! Some parents believe homeschooling is the best way to provide their children with a good education, and, therefore, do not send them to regular schools.

I personally think that homeschooling is not the right way to educate children, for a number of reasons.

Firstly, children who are homeschooled by their parents may not develop social skills because they do not interact with other children on a daily basis. Social skills are mostly developed in a group setting such as school. By keeping

children at home, they do not learn how to react to different personalities and situations.

Secondly, learning at home might be boring for kids as they grow up, because they need some interaction with children their age. For example, they do not get to be with friends during lesson breaks. Also, when they are homeschooled they miss out on field trips and other school activities.

Moreover, unless the parent is a professional teacher, he or she might not have the skills and tools to teach the child properly. For example, the child may have a question about a certain language rule or a math problem, and the parent may not know how to explain the answer.

To conclude, homeschooling has a lot of disadvantages in regard to social skills, educational engagement and learning. Therefore, I believe children should be sent to school and not learn at home.

A. What arguments does the writer present to express his / her opinion?

Argument 1: --

Argument 2: --

Argument 3: --

B. The writer concludes that --


C. Write an opinion essay about the benefits of homeschooling. Use the same topics mentioned in arguments 1, 2 and 3 in A. Support your opinion with examples.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Use different connectors and linking words and expressions (see pages 8-9).

- Write 120-140 words.

- You can use the ideas below and your own.

Bullying, discipline problems, bad / good relationship with teachers, useless school subjects, friendships, family bonding

Topic: --

I firmly believe that --

For one thing, --

Apart from that, --

Lastly, --

In conclusion, --


Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

The Must-Haves for Working with Children

Teachers and tutors, put a smile on your face! Remember, you are working with children! Many jobs, like teaching and coaching, require a unique type of person. In my opinion, several skills and personal qualities are needed when working with children.

Firstly, you have to like children. I think that if you do not, you'll become impatient and frustrated easily. Kids can sense if you are genuinely interested in them, or simply doing your job. If you truly love children, you will have fun spending time with them and you will not see it as a job.

Secondly, you need to be energetic and sociable. Most kids are naturally energetic, so you must have that quality to work with them. Children love playing games outdoors, and if you become involved in their play, they enjoy the time much more.

Apart from that, you have to be calm and patient. Children can be very demanding and require a lot of attention. They are often disobedient and do not always listen to you. Being tense and nervous will make the kids nervous, too.

Another quality you need is creativity. Being creative and good at organizing fun activities will get you far. Being spontaneous is very helpful, too, especially when things do not go as planned. It is good to be able to come up with a fun activity on the spot.

In conclusion, working with children involves various skills and qualities. In my view, if you are interested, you must have these skills. Also take into account that working with children demands patience and energy. Despite all that, it is fun and rewarding.

A. Complete the following paragraph with the same adjectives used in the model essay. Use different linking words and expressions from the ones used in the model essay above (see pages 8-9).

A person who wants to work with children needs to love children, or else he will feel 1. -- and will get 2. -- easily. 3. --, he/she needs to be 4. -- and 5. --. 6. --, he/she must be 7. -- and 8. -- and understand that children need a lot of attention. 9. --, he/she has to be 10. -- and able to organize fun activities.


B. Suggest additional qualities that one needs in order to work with children.

1. --

2. --

3. --

C. Are YOU the right person to work with children? Explain.

- Use the ideas mentioned in the model essay to write about yourself.

- Use some connectors and linking words and expressions from Task A.


Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Animal Testing

Did you know that animal testing is unreliable and dangerous? Yet each year millions of animals are tested for scientific purposes. These animals are treated poorly and sometimes die as a result. As I see it, animal testing in the name of science is completely wrong for a number of reasons.

To start with, these animals are treated very cruelly. Most of them are locked inside small cages in labs, away from their familiar environment. I believe that even though they are not human, animals still deserve proper living conditions.

Furthermore, the fear and stress from being locked inside cages actually make the animals behave strangely. Some start pulling out their hair and biting at their own skin. As a result, they often become violent and try to bite their keeper.

Finally, after being mistreated and experimented on, almost all of the animals are killed, making their existence completely meaningless.

In conclusion, I am strongly opposed to mistreating animals and find it highly unethical. I feel animal testing is cruel and should not be allowed. Instead, scientists can use computer models. I truly believe no human being has the right to hurt an animal, even in the name of science.

A. What reasons does the writer give to support his / her opinion about animal testing?

Reason 1: --

Reason 2: --

Reason 3: --

B. The writer concludes that --


C. Write YOUR opinion about animal testing. Support your opinion with examples.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Use connectors, linking words and expressions different from those used in the model (see pages 8-9).

- Write 120-140 words.

Make your opening paragraph interesting and catchy to draw the reader's attention. Add provocative questions / surprising facts / statistics.

Topic: --



Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Taking a Gap Year

Taking time out is food for the soul. Many young Israelis take a "gap year" to travel after they have completed their military service and before they move on in life as young adults. I truly believe that taking a gap year is a necessary step, for the following reasons.

First of all, a gap year allows young people to clear their minds after graduating high school and completing their military service. After following the same routine for so many years, they feel they "need a break" and "a change of scenery". Many have discovered that a great way to take time out is by traveling around the world, exploring new and exciting places.

In addition, a gap year gives them a chance to experience life to the fullest, before they enter another strict routine, such as academic studies or any other serious commitment.

A gap year can also be a good opportunity for earning money. Instead of traveling, young people can work to save money for their studies or for other purposes.

To sum up, taking a "gap year", as I see it, can be very effective, especially for those who have not made up their minds regarding the most significant part of their lives. Not only does it help them make better decisions about their future, but it also helps them approach the new chapter in their lives with a more positive attitude. Thumbs up for taking a gap year!

Write the reasons the writer gives in favor of taking a gap year.

Reason 1: --

Reason 2: --

Reason 3: --

Add one more possible argument for taking a gap year.

- Use a suitable expression of opinion (see page 15).


C. Write your own conclusion for the model essay. End in a way that your reader will remember.

D. Write an opposing essay: Why Young People Shouldn't Take a Gap Year.

Support your opinion with examples.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Use connectors, linking words and expressions different from those used in the model (see pages 8-9).

- Use 120-140 words.

Topic: --



Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Teens - Say No to Alcohol Consumption!

Underage drinking is unhealthy, extremely dangerous and against the law. Nowadays, many teens consume alcohol and this can affect their lives in many ways. I firmly believe that this is a very negative phenomenon and there need to be stricter laws against it, for many reasons.

Firstly, teenage alcohol consumption often leads to violence and bullying. Teens are more likely to get into fights than older people. Secondly, a high percentage of car accidents occur because of teenage alcohol consumption. It is a known fact that driving requires a clear mind, and this is not possible when the driver is under the influence of alcohol, especially a young and inexperienced driver.

Furthermore, alcohol is addictive. Although teens usually start drinking simply to have a good time with friends, it can quickly take over their lives and become the only thing they think about. Instead of playing sports or practicing music, teens who drink can easily begin to lose interest in anything that does not involve alcohol, and their personality can change dramatically.

Lastly and most importantly, alcohol is unhealthy. It can lead to permanent, long-term effects which may damage the stomach, liver and the brain. Teens' young brains are at a vulnerable stage of development and they are more at risk than adults.

For the above-mentioned reasons, teens who drink alcohol may be more involved in violence and car accidents and may suffer from health problems. Therefore, I am strongly opposed to alcohol consumption among teens.

A. Use the model essay about to write a short paragraph explaining the connection between alcohol consumption and car accidents.


B. Suggest a different opening to the essay, one that expresses YOUR point of view. Write a new opening paragraph.

- Make your opening paragraph interesting and catchy to draw the reader's attention. Add provocative questions / surprising facts / statistics.

C. Rewrite the conclusion according to your personal opinion.

To help you write a strong conclusion, try one of these strategies:

- Summarize the key points.

- Encourage the reader to take action.

- Convince the reader.


Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Is School Really Necessary?

Many people, including educators, parents and teenagers, believe that school is unnecessary and teaches students mostly useless skills. I disagree with them. I think that what we learn at school is essential and useful to us in many ways.

In the first place, school provides us with an education and exposes us to many different fields of interest, and I believe this is crucial to succeeding in the modern world. It is at school that we start thinking what we want to be when we grow up.

Secondly, most of the things we learn at school enrich our general knowledge and broaden our horizons. We gain knowledge as we learn, and knowledge, in my opinion, is power!

Additionally, what we learn at school helps us in everyday life. For example, learning math helps us do everyday tasks, such as shopping wisely. By learning English, we acquire the tools necessary to communicate with people around the world, when traveling or just surfing the Internet.

Lastly and most importantly, at school we do not just study. It is where we meet friends and socialize. Without even realizing it, we learn social skills, such as how to get along with different kinds of people and how to resolve conflicts.

Taking all this into consideration, I believe that it is wrong to say that what is taught in school is not worth learning. On the contrary, school enriches our world with valuable knowledge and important tools for our lives as adults.

A. Complete the graphic organizer with information from the model essay above.

The writer’s opinion: --

Reason 1: --

Supporting detail: --

Reason 2: --

Supporting detail: --

Reason 3: --

Supporting detail: --

Reason 4: --

Supporting detail: --


B. Do you think higher education (college / university) is necessary? Do you think that people can be successful without going to university? Write an opinion essay.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Write 120-140 words.

- You can use these words and ideas:

university graduates, demanded in today's world, more job offers, better life skills, expands your knowledge, doesn't necessarily prepare you for the real world, expensive, some skills are acquired by experience.

Topic: --



Read the model opinion essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

A Compulsory Life Skills Course in High School

Life skills are the basic skills we need to deal effectively with the challenges in everyday life, whether at school, at work, or in our personal lives. It has been proposed to include a life skills course in the high school curriculum. From my viewpoint, this is extremely important and necessary.

First, many students lack basic life skills, such as money management, time management, communication and social skills. They may be smart and knowledgeable in school subjects, but when it comes to doing simple everyday tasks, they often feel helpless and fail to do them.

In addition, teens today rarely have face-to-face conversations. Their communication is mostly through text messages, Skype, Twitter and Facebook. As a result, they often find it hard to communicate information accurately and confidently, and can, therefore, benefit greatly from a life skills course that includes communication skills.

Furthermore, since subjects that are taught in school do not include social skills, many teens do not know how to make friends, deal with peer pressure or manage anger and frustration.

For the above mentioned reasons, I honestly think that a life skills course is essential, because it will teach students important and useful skills and will make the transition from school to the reality of adult life a lot easier.

A. The writer gives several reasons why a life skills course in high schools is necessary.

What, in your opinion, is the main reason? Write your own examples to justify your opinion.


B. Which compulsory course/s should be added to the school curriculum in your opinion? Why? Write an opinion essay. You can use the ideas below or your own.

Cooking, self-defense, money management, time management, health management, communication skills, first aid.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Write 120.-140 words.

Topic: --



Final Practice

Task 1: Students have various opinions as to which is the most important school subject. What, in your opinion, is the most important subject that you study at school? Write an opinion essay.

- Use the model essays in the unit

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --



Task 2: Write your opinion about the following saying:

"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice”.

- Use the model essays in the unit.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 13-16).

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --




A. Read the proverbs / sayings / quotes below. Which of them could you use with each of these essay topics? There may be more than one possible proverb for an essay topic.

Essay Topics

Should Field Trips Be Done Away With?, Homeschooling, Is School Really Necessary?, Animal Testing, A Compulsory Life Skills Course in High School, Taking a Gap Year, The Must-Haves for Working with Children, Teens, Say No to Alcohol Consumption!

1. There is no school equal to a decent home and no teacher equal to a virtuous parent. (Mahatma Gandhi) --

2. The first thing to understand about working with children's dreams is that adults need to listen up. (anonymous) --

3. The question is not "Can they reason"? nor, "Can they talk?" but rather "Can they suffer?". (Jeremy Bentham) --

4. If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. (Abigail Van Buren) --

5. Alcohol: Temporary fun with permanent consequences. (anonymous) --

6. The world is a book and those who don't travel read only one page. (Saint Augustine) --

7. School is the place that provides education and education is the key to life. (anonymous) --

8. We must have adventures in order to know where we truly belong. (anonymous) --


B. Choose ONE of the proverbs I sayings / quotes from exercise A.

- Write an opinion essay about your chosen topic.

- Use the Writing Guidelines to help you (see pages 13-16).

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --




Use these checklists to check the essays you have written after each model.

CHECKLIST Writing an Opinion Essay

Model 1

Model 2

Did I write a strong beginning that states my opinion?



Does my opinion essay state the reasons for my point of view?



Are my reasons supported with details I examples?



Is my conclusion strong?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing an Opinion Essay

Model 4

Model 5

Did I write a strong beginning that states my opinion?



Does my opinion essay state the reasons for my point of view?



Are my reasons supported with details I examples?



Is my conclusion strong?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing an Opinion Essay

Model 7

Model 8

Did I write a strong beginning that states my opinion?



Does my opinion essay state the reasons for my point of view?



Are my reasons supported with details I examples?



Is my conclusion strong?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing an Opinion Essay

Task 1

Task 2


Did I write a strong beginning that states my opinion?




Does my opinion essay state the reasons for my point of view?




Are my reasons supported with details I examples?




Is my conclusion strong?




Did I use linking words and useful expressions?




Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?




Did I write 120-140 words?





Glossary - unit 1

(בספר מילון של מילים שונות - היעזר במורה)


Unit 2 - For and Against Essays


In a for and against essay you present a topic or issue that is debatable. You then discuss it from opposing points of view - for (pros) and against (cons). You sum up by restating the two sides of the issue and adding your own opinion.

Guidelines for Writing For and Against Essays


Introductory paragraph - Introduce your topic / issue and explain that there are arguments both for and against it.

- Write a catchy opening paragraph to attract the reader's attention.


(בספר תרשים זרימה - היעזר במורה).

Living in a Big City:

Weak Opening: Most of the world's people now live in big cities. Life in these cities has its advantages and its disadvantages.

Strong Opening: The world's cities are growing and soon almost 70 percent of the world's population will be living in cities. Some of these are mega-cities, with over 10 million people. City life has its advantages and its disadvantages.

Main body: Present both sides of the argument in two paragraphs.

Paragraph 1: points for the issue (pros)

Paragraph 2: points against the issue (cons)

Paragraph 3 (if any): more points for or against the issue

- Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that states one argument / point.

- Add at least two supporting details for each argument (reasons, explanations, justifications, examples).

Do not include opinion words (I believe, I think, etc.) in the introduction and or the main body. Include them ONLY in the concluding paragraph.


Conclusion: Summarize the points you have made and reveal your own point of view.

- Choose one strong pro and one strong con to include in your conclusion to show a balanced summary of the topic.

- Use one of the following techniques to make the ending more effective:

State a personal opinion.

Give the reader something to consider.

Use a quotation or rhetorical question.

- Write a strong sentence that ties all of your ideas together to end your essay.

- End in a way that your reader will remember.

Example for a concluding sentence:

Living in a Big City (continued): While there are both pros and cons to city life, it is my opinion that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I personally could not live anywhere else but in a big city.

Writing Process

Before you write: Brainstorm for ideas.

- Research your topic so that you can objectively describe the pros and cons.

- Brainstorm your topic and make a list or a chart of the advantages and disadvantages.

- Use a graphic organizer to organize your findings.

- Create an outline of your essay.


(בספר תרשים זרימה - היעזר במורה).

Coffee Consumption

Pros: reduces the risk of some diseases.

Can improve energy levels.

Cons: may cause changes in sleep patterns.

May risk blood pressure.


Write a draft: Just write!

- Write a first draft of your for and against essay.

- Use the information from the chart or list of ideas to write your essay.

- Follow the introduction, body and conclusion guidelines.

- Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation. You can fix any errors when you revise your final draft.

After you write your draft: Improve your writing.

Reread your first draft and make sure that:

- You introduced your topic clearly.

- You included details about both pros and cons.

- You wrote an opening that catches the reader's attention.

- You wrote a strong concluding sentence.

- You connected your arguments with connectors of addition:

Secondly, Moreover, In addition, What is more, Furthermore …

- You began the 2nd paragraph of your argument with a connector of contrast: However, Nevertheless, On the other hand …

Unit 2 - Essays - For and Against


- End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

- Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

- Use capital letters for the following: the first person pronoun (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week I months of the year, nationalities, etc.

- Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its -it's, their - they're, etc.).


Make sure that:

- Sentences include a subject and a verb.

- Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

- Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final essay: Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your essay to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your essay. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 77) to help you.


Useful Language

Introductory paragraph

- The issue of... is controversial, because it has both opponents and supporters.

- Some people agree with the notion of..., while others disagree with it.

- Proponents of... argue that...

- It's debatable whether...

- There are both pros and cons…

- This ... has various positive I negative effects

- There are opposing viewpoints regarding…

- Some people are in favor of..., while others oppose it.

- There are both advantages and disadvantages to to this phenomenon.

- The main I One argument for... is

- The main argument against... is

Main body - To introduce advantages

- There are some advantages to…

- There are many arguments in favor of...

- One major advantage of... is…

- Another advantage of... is…

- The main advantage is…

- Some people are in favor of...

- Another positive effect of... is …

- … has many benefits.

- This ... has various positive effects.

- Proponents of... say that...

To show contrast:

- However

- Nevertheless

- On the other hand

- In contrast

- Nonetheless

- Still

- But

Main body - To introduce disadvantages

- The main disadvantage of... is …

- Another disadvantage is …

- An additional negative effect of... is …

- Another argument against... is …

- There are many arguments against …

- There are certain drawbacks to …

- Another negative aspect of …

- Opponents of... say that …

Conclusion - Summarize the points you have made, and reveal your own point of view.

- To sum up

- Overall

- On the whole

- In conclusion

- All in all

- To conclude

- For the above mentioned reasons …

- The issue of... is indeed controversial.

- Although there are some disadvantages to ..., I firmly believe that it is a good...

- I firmly believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

- Despite its disadvantages, I strongly believe that in the long run everybody will benefit from it.


Look at some example sentences of useful language:

There are many advantages to learning more than one language at an early age.

There are a couple of disadvantages to being famous.

There are many arguments against neutering and spaying pets.

The main argument against using plastic bags is that they are harmful to the environment. Another argument in favor of tourism is that it's an important source of income.

On the other hand, there are certain disadvantages to being a vegetarian.

The greatest advantage of cellphones is that they are available in an emergency.

On the one hand, meat consumption is healthy, but there are also other, non-animal healthy foods...

Opponents of illegal immigration say that it is a social and economic burden.

One major advantage of school uniforms is that they encourage students to focus on their studies rather than their clothes.

An additional advantage to taking a gap year is that it gives you a chance to figure out what you want to study and do.

There are clearly advantages to using Facebook. However, there are also some disadvantages.

It's debatable whether city life has more advantages than disadvantages.

There are good reasons for not allowing students to use cellphones in class. But there are also many benefits to letting students use them.

There are huge benefits which, for many people, far outweigh the drawbacks.

Some people are in favor of TV commercials, while others think that they should no longer be on TV.


Pre-writing Tasks

A. Match A and B.


1. On the one hand, money makes your life easier and more comfortable --

2. One major advantage of eating vegetables is that --

3. The main argument against eating sweets is that --

4. Another argument in favor of traveling by train is that --

5. There are several drawbacks to --

6. There are many advantages to --


a. they help you keep a healthier diet.

b. this mode of traveling is environmentally friendly.

c. eating junk food.

d. On the other hand, it can't buy happiness!

e. using solar energy. The most important one is that it is renewable!

f. they are fattening and harmful to your teeth.

B. Complete the sentences with the words below. Some sentences have more than one correct answer.

WORDS: main, advantage, controversial, on the one hand, argument, claim, opponents, argue that, however

1. Vegetarianism is a -- issue, with both pros and cons.

2. -- of animal testing argue that it is cruel, immoral and unnecessary.

3. One major -- of eating chocolate is that it makes us feel better.

4. Another -- in favor of drinking water is that it helps ease* or even cure headaches.

5. The -- advantage of doing jigsaw puzzles is that they can improve your memory.

6. An additional negative -- against extreme sports is that they are dangerous.

7. -- I'll earn some pocket money, but on the other hand, it might not leave me enough time for my studies.

8. Opponents of video games -- they encourage violence among teens.

9. Sports activities are important when you are on a diet. --, in order to lose

weight, you also need to avoid sweets and snacks.


C. Add suitable connectors and / or linking words to the paragraph below (see pages 8-9).

There are several disadvantages to using computers. 1.-- computers emit radiation, which can be harmful to your health. 2.--, a computer can be addictive

and you may find yourself hooked for hours and hours doing nothing else. 3.--, many kids who spend too much time playing on the computer may gain weight, because they don't get enough exercise. 4.--, people have a lot of

personal information on their computers and this information is available to hackers.

D. Next to each paragraph, write A (advantage) or D (disadvantage).

Example: The Internet makes it possible for people to communicate with people all over the world. A.

1. Most children today hardly play outside and rarely have face-to-face interactions. --

2. You can send and receive messages within seconds. --

3. Tutoring is expensive and not everyone can afford it. --

4. 'Waze' helps you to easily reach your destination. --

5. Most parents today work long hours and hardly spend quality time with their kids. --

6. Solar energy doesn't cause pollution. --

7. Fast food is high in calories and sugar. --

8. Chocolate encourages your brain to release feel-good endorphins. --

9. Some YouTube videos are inappropriate for kids. --

10. Summer jobs give teens a feeling of pride and satisfaction. --

E. 1. What is the debatable issue presented in each of these paragraphs?

2. Write who wrote it - a proponent (someone who supports the issue) OR an opponent (someone who opposes the issue)

1. The Internet has made it possible for us to do lots of things. People can shop in online stores, communicate with family and friends via Skype or Facebook, watch the latest videos on YouTube, blog and make money from it, and so much more.

Debatable issue: --

Written by: --


2. Flu vaccinations, like all medicines, have side effects. However, vaccines are among the safest forms of prevention and the benefits of vaccinations far outweigh the risk of side effects.

Debatable issue: --

Written by: --

3. Communication in a group environment is generally less intimate than in one-on-one settings. Because there are so many personalities and levels of relationships to consider, people in groups are less likely to share personal details or express opposing views.

Debatable issue: --

Written by: --

4. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, reduce pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.

Debatable issue: --

Written by: --

5. Exams can put unnecessary pressure on students to succeed. Students who continue to do poorly on exams may lose interest in schoolwork. Additionally, students can be prepared for an exam, but may retain little knowledge in the long term.

Debatable issue: --

Written by: --


Choose TEN words from the Unit Glossary (page 78). Write sentences using these words together with phrases from Useful Language (page 46).

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

6. --

7. --

8. --

9. --

10. --


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Using Cellphones in School

As cellphone use in and around schools becomes more pervasive, and since most students are hooked on their smartphones during school time, the use of cellphones in school has become debatable.

Many schools have written policies regarding the use of cellphones by students and these guidelines are constantly being adjusted and updated.

One advantage of using cellphones in school is that students can use them as learning tools. They can search for information on the Internet and learn important things from a variety of education-friendly apps. Students can also enjoy using their cellphones during breaks by listening to music, playing games or sending and receiving text messages. Moreover, they can use their phones in cases of emergency at school, or to contact their parents whenever they need to.

However, there are certain drawbacks to using cellphones in school. Cellphones distract students from focusing on the lesson because they are often used for chatting with each other instead of following the lesson. As a result, their concentration is disrupted.

To conclude, using cellphones in school can be beneficial in some respects and harmful in other respects.

I personally feel that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I highly recommend that schools consider allowing it.

A. Write the arguments the writer gives in favor of using cellphones in school.

Argument 1: --

Argument 2: --

Argument 3: --

B. Add at least TWO more advantages (pros) and two disadvantages (cons) to using cellphones in schools.

Advantages (pros)

Disadvantages (Cons)






C. Write your own conclusion based on the information you added in A.

D. Use the model essay to write an essay about the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of having snack bar machines in schools.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Make a list of pros and cons before you begin.

- You can use these words and phrases to help you:

fattening, gain weight, solution, extra expenses, distracting, unhealthy, hungry, problematic, debatable, quick energy.

- Write 120-140 words.

Pros --

Cons --


Topic: --


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

The Computer - the Best Invention of the Century?

There is no doubt that the 20th century is one of the most remarkable in human history, mainly because of the many technological advances made during that period. It is believed that the computer is the best invention of the century and that its contribution to many areas, such as science and education, is greater than the contribution of other century inventions. However, despite its numerous benefits, there are some drawbacks. Whether it is the best invention of the century is a controversial issue.

One major argument for the computer is that it has

revolutionized communication and knowledge sources, and has enabled us to do things we could not do before, such as access online resources for a variety of purposes and keep huge amounts of data. Computer technology allows for information of all kinds to be accessed easily and spread throughout the world almost instantly.

A negative aspect of the computer is that it has become an inseparable part of our lives. As a result, we have become so dependent on it that we sometimes forget it is just a device. Youngsters spend too much time on the computer and focus less on their studies and other activities. What's more, instead of face-to-face interaction, many people only communicate with each other online.

To sum up, although the invention of the computer has brought about huge benefits as mentioned above, there are some disadvantages. Therefore, I personally think it is wrong to consider it the best invention of the century.

A. Write the arguments the writer gives in favor of the computer.

Argument 1: --

Argument 2: --

B. Add at least TWO more advantages (pros) and two disadvantages (cons) to using the computer.

Advantages (pros)

Disadvantages (Cons)






C. 1. What is the writer's personal opinion in the model essay above?

2. Do you agree with the writer's opinion stated in the conclusion? Explain why / why not.

D. Write a different introduction to the essay.

E. Write a different conclusion to the essay. Consider the following question:

Have you ever considered the effect computers may have on family relationships?

f. Use the model essay to write an essay about the advantages (pros) and disadvantages (cons) of communicating with people through texting.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Make a list of pros and cons before you begin

- Write 120-140 words.


Topic --:


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Working Teens - Pros and Cons

Teenage years are the time of transition from youth to adulthood. This transition is characterized, among other things, by a teen's desire to become financially independent. For this reason, many teens find a part-time job and work a few hours a day, after school or in the evening. There are arguments both for and against teens working, especially during the school year.

On the one hand, teens who work become more confident and independent, and develop a sense of responsibility. In addition, jobs teach teenagers working skills, such as how to fill out an application form, how to interview well and how to get along with their co-workers and bosses. These skills are very important for their future as adults. Last but not least, they learn to manage their money and appreciate its value.

On the other hand, even part-time work can have a negative effect on teens. Firstly, it might affect their studies. It is known that teens who work f 3 to 20. hours a week get lower grades. Secondly, teens who work find it hard to keep up with after-school activities. What's more, overworking makes teens sleep more, exercise less, and spend less time with their family and friends.

In conclusion, given the pros and cons of this debatable issue,

I believe that teens should work because this will help them prepare for real life. Yet, they should make sure they have enough time left for studies and social life. After all, they will be working enough as adults.

A. Add at least TWO more advantages (pros) and TWO disadvantages (cons) to the debatable topic Working Teens.

Advantages (pros)

Disadvantages (Cons)












B. 1. What is the writer’s personal opinion in the model essay above?

2. Do you agree with the writer’s opinion stated in the conclusion? Explain why / why not.

C. Most teens work to earn their own money.

1. What do you think teens need money for? Give examples.

2. Do you think their parents should pay for all their expenses? Explain.


D. If you had to get a job, what kind of job would it be? Explain your choice.

E. Write an essay about the advantages (pros) and the disadvantages (cons) of working with old people.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Write 120-140 words.

- You can use these words and phrases to help you:

rewarding, making a difference, seeing, sickness, stressful

- Make a list of pros and cons before you begin writing

Pros --

Cons --


Topic: --


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Technological Progress

Technological progress has changed our lives immensely. Two of the major technological advances are the Internet and cell phones. Some people believe that this progress has changed people's lives for the better, while others claim that it has caused a lot of damage.

On the one hand, technological advances such as the Internet and cell phones have created positive effects.

One of these is faster and easier ways to communicate.

The Internet and cell phones, for instance, enable us to

communicate with people around the world in seconds and at any time. Moreover, they provide quick and accurate ways to send and access information about practically any topic.

However, there are also some negative effects to technological progress. It has made many people too dependent on technology. As a result, they no longer remember as much information, such as numbers and names. In addition, smartphones, by allowing access to the Internet and social media, are the cause of constant interruption. No matter where you are or what you are doing, your phone is always there, distracting you from being present and attentive to the people you are with. Moreover, the Internet tempts children to spend too much time at the computer and this means less quality time with friends and family.

In summary, I believe that technology has certainly changed our lives for the better. In fact, it would be difficult to imagine life without the latest technological innovations. Yet, we should also remember to put these devices aside occasionally.

A. Complete the paragraph below according to the model essay.

Technological progress has made our lives --. It has --.

Nevertheless, it has caused --.


B. Write at least THREE additional examples of technological progress and list one argument - pro and con for each.

- Remember to include examples for both pros and cons.

Example: --

Example: --

Example: --

C. Rewrite the model essay. Use your own examples of pros and cons from B.

- Remember to include your personal view in the conclusion.

- Use a variety of connectors and linking words from the General Guidelines (see page 8).

- Use different useful language expressions than the ones used in the model essay (see page 46).

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --




Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Peer Pressure

Who does not want to fit in and be liked? When your friends pressure you to do something, it is easy to give in, isn't it? This is peer pressure and almost everyone has experienced it at some point. Some people believe that it is negative pressure, while others claim that it can challenge and motivate you to do your best.

Peer pressure has several drawbacks. First, since teens find it so important to fit in, peer pressure can have a powerful effect on them. They can easily be convinced by their friends to smoke, drink, or take drugs. They do not always have the willpower to resist it, even if it is against their code of behavior. Secondly, peer pressure is not always obvious. Sometimes just simply seeing all your peers doing something or wearing something can be a form of pressure. Additionally, peer pressure sometimes results in violence. For example, when your friends are involved in fights, you often feel pressured to help them.

However, peer pressure isn't always negative. It can often have a positive influence. For example, your friends can pressure you to do useful things, such as studying harder or exercising. Also, they can criticize you when you take up bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol, and encourage you to give them up.

To sum up, the influence of peers on an individual can be negative as well as positive. It can make you adopt bad habits or inspire you to perform better. I personally believe that, although peer pressure is often problematic, it can also be beneficial and people should be more tolerant of it.

A. Complete the graphic organizer with information from the above model essay.




Writer's Opinion




















B. Add ONE more possible drawback (con) of peer pressure.

C. Suggest a different opening to the model essay.

D. Have you ever experienced peer pressure? Was it a positive or a negative experience? Write a paragraph about it. If you have not experienced peer pressure, write about a case you have witnessed.

- Include personal details and examples.

- Use the General Guidelines for Writing (see pages 5-6).


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Should Schools Have a Dress Code?

The pros and cons of a school uniform have long been debated amongst parents, teachers and students. Many schools take the dress code very seriously and require their students to wear school uniforms from first grade until senior high school. There are arguments both in favor of and against having a school dress code.

Firstly, it nurtures a sense of belonging and school pride. It helps students respect their school and feel that they are part of the same group. Secondly, having a dress code reduces the time students spend getting ready for school. They do not need

to think about what to wear. Furthermore, it helps diminish economic and social barriers among students. Lastly, but most importantly, it helps students resist peer pressure to buy trendy clothes. When all students are dressed alike, no one is judged on the basis of what he or she wears.

However, there are some arguments against having a dress code in school. The main argument is that it violates the right to freedom of expression. Because students can not wear what they want to, their individual styles are repressed. Another drawback is that students often find uniforms unattractive and think they do not look good in them.

In summary, having a dress code is indeed a controversial issue. While some people claim that it needs to be mandatory, others argue that it is completely unnecessary. I personally do not support any school policy regarding a dress code because I believe teens are more at ease with their appearance if they are allowed to wear what they want.

A. In your opinion: --

1. What is the main argument in favor of a dress code in school?

2. What is the main argument against a dress code in school?

B. Give examples of places where a dress code is always mandatory.

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --


C. Choose ONE of the places you mentioned in (B) and write a for and against essay about a mandatory dress code policy there.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Electric Bicycles

You see them everywhere. Electric bikes have become very popular in the last few years. More and more people, both teens and adults, own an electric bicycle - a bicycle with an integrated electric motor - or are considering buying one. There are opposing viewpoints regarding the advantages and disadvantages of this trendy vehicle.

On the one hand, electric bicycles require little or no effort to ride, and no cycling techniques.

There are, however, a few disadvantages to using electric bicycles. First of all, they are heavy and, therefore, not so easy to handle. Secondly, they have limited battery capacity, so you need to charge them every day. Finally, electric bicycles are an expensive purchase and the additional accessories increase the cost.

All in all, electric bicycles have proven to be most useful and advantageous. I firmly believe that they can make your life easier in many different ways. Yet, there are several disadvantages to owning them and it is important to be aware of these before purchasing one.

A. Complete the graphic organizer with information from the above essay.




Writer's Opinion




















B. Which of the two viewpoints discussed in the essay do you support? Explain.

C. Write another argument for and another against electric bicycles.

Pros --

Cons --

D. How does or would owning an electric bicycle make your life easier? Give reasons to support your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience.

E. According to a recent law, riders are required to get a license for electric bicycles, and teens under 16 are prohibited from riding them. Write a for and against essay about this law.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Write 120-140 words.

Pros --

Cons --


Topic: --


Read the model for and against essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.


Today you can snap away with your camera and send photos and videos, called snaps, to your friends and followers, using a popular mobile application called Snapchat. There are both advantages and disadvantages to using Snapchat.

One major advantage of using Snapchat is that it is a fun app that lets you change your appearance and distort your voice.

It allows its users to document moments in their lives and share them with their friends and family. Many people, especially teens, enjoy sharing precious moments from their current lives with their friends. Apart from photo-sharing, users can easily share music, video clips and news articles through this app.

However, using Snapchat also has some disadvantages. The main disadvantage is that the photos and videos you send or receive are deleted within seconds after they are seen. Another disadvantage is that users' private photos and information are exposed to hackers. Hackers can save and then publish your private photos and videos without your knowledge, thus violating your privacy.

In conclusion, Snapchat is a trendy app that many people use today. I believe that it is useful and people can enjoy it, as long as they are aware of its drawbacks. If you are willing to take into account that your private photos and videos are at risk of exposure, by all means use Snapchat!

A. Complete the graphic organizer with information from the above model essay.




Writer's Opinion













B. Do you use Snapchat? Explain why or why not.


C. Name ONE commonly used smartphone application and write an essay for and against it.

- Describe it briefly. What makes it popular?

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Make a list of pros and cons before you begin.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --


Final Practice


Task 1: Write an essay for and against the following topic:

- Use the model essays in the unit.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Write 120-140 words.

To Be or Not To Be a Vegetarian

Topic: --


Task 2: Write a for and against essay of having only one child.

- Use the model essays in the unit.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 43-47).

- Write 120.-140 words.

Topic: --



Below are quotes about pros and cons. Choose the quote you identify with the most. Explain why you agree with it. Give examples to justify your answer.

1. "To every disadvantage there is a considerable advantage."

2. "Nothing is perfect in this world. Everything has its pros and cons."

3. "When making a decision of minor importance, I have always found it advantageous to consider all the pros and cons."




Use these checklists to check the essays you have written after each model.

CHECKLIST Writing a For and Against Essay



Have I clearly stated the pros and cons of my topic?



Did I reach a conclusion about my debatable topic?



Have I included enough information for the reader to make up his / her mind about the pros and cons?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions for discussing pros and cons?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a For and Against Essay



Have I clearly stated the pros and cons of my topic?



Did I reach a conclusion about my debatable topic?



Have I included enough information for the reader to make up his / her mind about the pros and cons?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions for discussing pros and cons?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a For and Against Essay



Have I clearly stated the pros and cons of my topic?



Did I reach a conclusion about my debatable topic?



Have I included enough information for the reader to make up his / her mind about the pros and cons?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions for discussing pros and cons?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a For and Against Essay




Have I clearly stated the pros and cons of my topic?




Did I reach a conclusion about my debatable topic?




Have I included enough information for the reader to make up his / her mind about the pros and cons?




Did I use linking words and useful expressions for discussing pros and cons?




Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation and spelling?




Did I write 120-140 words?





(בספר רשימת מילים ופירושים - היעזר במורה).


Unit 3 Descriptive Essays


In a descriptive essay you describe a person, a place, an object, an experience, a memory, a situation or an event. A descriptive essay that describes a personal event or experience (something that happened to you) is called a personal narrative. In both types of essays, you try to create a vivid experience for the reader by using descriptive verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, as well as similes and other literary tools.

Guidelines for Writing Descriptive / Narrative Essays


Introductory paragraph: Introduce your topic and state the reason why you are describing a certain object, situation, event, person or place.

- What or whom do you want to describe?

- What is your reason for writing your description?

- What are the particular qualities that you want to focus on?

Main body: Describe various aspects of the subject, usually in two paragraphs.

- Write a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph, to let your reader know what the paragraph is going to be about.

- Keep in mind that everything you write in your body paragraph should relate to your topic sentence.

- Provide sensory details to support your topic and to create an emotional impact on the reader. Use verbs, adjectives and adverbs that have strong descriptive power (For example: 'slammed' instead of 'shut'). Also use literary tools such as similes, metaphors and personification.

In a personal narrative essay

- Give the reader a clear idea of what happened and how you feel about it.

- You can write the narrative description chronologically or by the importance of events.

- You should create an emotional impact on the reader.



Weak Description (Telling)

Strong Description (Showing)

I became tired after dinner.(Tells the reader that you became tired after dinner)

As 1 leaned back and rested my head against the top of the chair, my eyelids began to feel heavy, and the edges of the empty plate in front of me blurred with the white tablecloth.(Shows the reader that you became tired after dinner)

As you write your descriptive essay, the best way to create a vivid experience for your readers is to focus on feelings and the five senses.


When you focus your descriptions on the senses, you provide vivid and specific details that show rather than tell your readers what you are describing.

Conclusion: Summarize what you have written in your essay.

- Include your overall feelings about the subject you have described.

- Restate your subject.

- End in a way that your reader will remember.


In an essay describing someone who is characterized by an easy-going sense of humor, a concluding sentence can be:

"Jeff had the kind of pleasant humor that could brighten someone's day."

Writing Process

Before you write: Brainstorm for ideas.

Brainstorm for ideas about your subject and use a word map to organize your ideas. Create an outline of your essay to put your ideas into a logical sequence.


Example: Brainstorming, using word map

(בספר איור של ״שמש אסוציאציות״ - היעזר במורה).


- Introduction "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them… your smile, your hope, and your courage." - Doe Zantamata.

A good friend is a treasure.

- Argument A A good friend is loyal and trustworthy.

He will never tell your secrets.

He will back you up without question.

He will stick by your side in times of need.

- Argument B A good friend is a caring, loving, optimistic person.

He loves you and accepts you the way you are.

He laughs when you laugh and cries when you cry.

He always has positive ideas that encourage you and make you see the bright side of things.

- Conclusion A good friend is a blessing. Everyone needs that one friend who is like a mirror and a shadow - a mirror does not lie and a shadow never leaves you.


Write a draft: Just write!

- Write a first draft of your descriptive I personal narrative essay.

- Think of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and textures that are important for developing your description.

- Include details to ensure that your readers get a vivid impression of your emotion or perspective.

- Follow the introduction, body and conclusion guidelines.

- Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation.

First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written.

After you write your draft: Improve your writing.

Reread your first draft and make sure that:

- You introduced your topic clearly and stated the reason why you chose to describe it.

- You wrote an opening that catches the readers' attention.

- You used words that convey your emotion or perspective.

- You did not include any unnecessary details in your description.

- Each paragraph of your essay focuses on one aspect of your description.

- Your paragraphs are ordered in the most effective way.

- You wrote a strong concluding sentence.

In a personal narrative, connect your description to show the sequence of events:

First / At first / In the beginning

Then / Later / Next / After that

At last / Finally / Lastly / In the end


- End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

- Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

- Use capital letters for the following: the first person (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week I months of the year, nationalities, etc.

- Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its - it's, their - they're, etc.).



Make sure that:

- Sentences include a subject and a verb.

- Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

- Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final essay: Finalise your writing.

Take a final look at your essay to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your essay. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 116) to help you.

Useful Language

Description of people

Physical appearance: tall, broad-shouldered, handsome, good looking, attractive, beautiful, gorgeous, presentable, muscular, blue-eyed, scarred, tanned, generous…

Personal qualities:

Positive: friendly, cheerful, intelligent, easy going, resolute, trustworthy, responsible, thoughtful, enthusiastic, considerate, sociable, respectable, optimistic, disciplined, courageous

Negative: self-centered, overcritical, pessimistic, lazy gossipy, unappreciative, forgetful, stubborn, intolerant, unreliable, impatient, greedy, clumsy, indecisive, quick-tempered …

Description of objects and items:

Colorful, smooth, soft, useful, practical, tiny, large, round, square, cheap, expensive, light, heavy, modern, user-friendly, shiny, sharp, damaged valuable, inexpensive, triangular, fragile, antique, essential, sentimental...

Description of places:

Positive: ancient, peaceful, fascinating, huge, touristy, tropical, sensational, famous, magnificent, interesting, inspiring, incredibl, magical, astonishing, luxurious…

Negative: eerie, crowded, polluted, ugly, deserted, dirty, messy, noisy…

Description of trips and events:

Positive: interesting, exciting, thrilling, amazing, fantastic, wonderful, unique, unusual, inspiring, challenging, meaningful, unforgettable…

Negative: boring, frustrating, depressing, annoying, unpleasant, distasteful, exhausting, disastrous, discouraging…


Look at some example sentences of useful language:

Positive descriptions of trips, events and activities:

Volunteering at the animal shelter was a meaningful experience.

I'll never forget my Sweet Sixteen party. It was an exceptional event.

Summer camp was absolutely terrific. I made so many new friends.

It was a phenomenal holiday. We really got a feel for the country and the people.

The movie was hilarious. People were rolling in the aisle.

Rome is a fascinating place to visit, with a rich culture and history.

Negative descriptions of trips, events and activities:

The bar was overcrowded. We struggled to find a place to stand.

That had to be the most disastrous trip ever! Nothing went according to plan.

The memory of this unpleasant event will haunt me forever.

The Holocaust is one of the most disgraceful events in the history of civilization!

The accident was very traumatic for him and he hasn't spoken since.

The day my dog died was the most devastating day of my life!

Positive description of a place:

The view of Paris from the penthouse window was simply breathtaking.

Disneyland is a legendary place! You must go there at least once in your life.

The blossoming of the flowers in the spring is always so colorful and joyful!

The dancer's performance was outstanding!

Eilat is a magnificent tourist town boasting both mountains and sea.

We stayed at a luxurious hotel that offered excellent service.


Negative description of a place:

Bangkok is such a polluted city. Many streets are filled with dirt and garbage.

The hotel room was filthy. The floor was sticky and the curtains were coated in dust.

There was something eerie about the hotel, with all the stuffed animals on the walls.

It was an unwelcoming, almost hostile place.

The decor of this restaurant is distasteful.

The room felt dreary and claustrophobic.

Positive descriptions of people:

She is the most fascinating woman I have ever met. I can listen to her for hours.

My best friend is very trustworthy. She never reveals my secrets to anyone.

My uncle is such a cheerful person. He always makes me smile.

She's an exceptional saleswoman. She can sell you ice in winter.

My neighbor is a superstitious person. Don't let a black cat cross his path!

Both my parents are honorable people. People admire and respect them.

Negative description of people:

Donna is so inconsiderate. She doesn't care at all about other people's feelings.

He is an arrogant young man. He thinks way too much of himself.

He is so egotistical. You can tell by the way he behaves.

He is no longer my friend, since I discovered that he is dishonest and unreliable.

Dan is immature. I often tell him to grow up.

He has been very distracted lately. I wonder what's on his mind.


Description of objects:

They were sitting on a shabby sofa with cans of soda water in their hands.

There was a multicolored pattern on the white rug.

My boyfriend bought me a beautiful handmade necklace.

My grandparents have a lot of antique furniture.

My uncle is an artist. He designs beautiful metal sculptures.

My parents bought a state-of-the-art computer last week.


Pre-writing Tasks

A. Write each of the adjectives below in the correct column. For some of them there may be more than one suitable column. Make sure you understand the meaning of each adjective.

Soft, dangerous, tolerant, modern, serious, nervous, indifferent, ancient, mature, upsetting, sharp, accessible, impressive, generous, curious, isolated, jealous, extraordinary, popular, unusual, loyal, obedient, ambitious, breathtaking, tiny, gifted, crowded, responsible, thick, slippery, cuddly, amazing, enormous, memorable, impatient, remote, comfortable, polite, fluffy, smelly, pleasant, round, unforgettable.

A Person

An Animal

An Object

A Place

An Event






B. Choose the correct adjective to complete each sentence.

1. In the middle of the park, there was a large garden with colorful / fascinated / dedicated flowers.

2. I was so violent / stressed out / famous during the biology test that I couldn't stop biting my nails.

3. We woke up to a lovely / cloudy / stormy day. The sun was shining and fresh air filled our lungs.

4. The movie we saw last night was simply hilarious / noisy / upsetting. We couldn't stop laughing.

5. My grandparents are so generous I cheap / intelligent. There is nothing they wouldn't do for us.

6. It was an enormous / imaginative / unused tree, its branches towering high above the roof of the building.

7. He looked so ridiculous / jealous / handsome in his beautifully tailored suit.


C. Circle all the adjectives you could use to describe the following:

1. A negative movie review: excellent, boring, exciting, predictable, distasteful, stupid, fascinating, bad, fun, hilarious, awful, fantastic

2. A place you enjoyed visiting: thoughtful, beautiful, talented, annual, challenging, enjoyable, fascinating, pleasant, boring

3. A positive experience: awesome, embarrassing, frightening, enjoyable, thrilling, wonderful, terrible, terrific

4. An admirable person: good, humane, mean, competitive, charming, amusing, rude, cruel, impolite, caring, kind, diligent, snobby

D. Complete the sentences with the words below. There may be more than one suitable answer.

Fascinating, stubborn, amazing, diligent, confidential, clever, luxurious, polite, good-hearted, superstitious

1. The documentary film was so -- that I was glued to my seat.

2. I will never forget this day. It was undoubtedly the most -- day of my life.

3. That information is totally --. You mustn't discuss it with anyone.

4. You are so --! You always insist on doing things your way.

5. He is a -- student. He puts a lot of effort into his schoolwork.

6. I firmly believe that she is -- enough to become a doctor.

7. My husband is --. He will never hurt anyone.

8. My grandma is --. Whenever she sees a black cat, she believes it brings bad luck.

9. The hall looked elegant and --, with its marble floor and stunning curtains.

10. My son Hadar has always been very --. We taught him never to speak rudely to anyone.


E. Fill in the missing adjectives in the following passage. Use the bank below. There may be more than one suitable answer.

Successful, unique, professional, impressive, hardworking, creative, organized, dazzling, infinite, cheerful, stressful, well-known, wonderful, efficient, exhausting, patient, inconceivable.

One of the people l love the most is my uncle llan. llan is a man of many talents. His

greatest talent is planning and producing events. He is a (1) -- wedding

planner. He assists with the design, planning and management of clients' weddings and makes sure that each event is (2) -- unlike any other.

llan has managed to build himself an (3) -- reputation, and has become very (4) -- and (5) --. all thanks to his (6) -- personality and diligence. He is very (7) -- He sometimes works 18 hours a day! Can you imagine how (8) -- it is to spend 18 hours on your feet? Isn't it totally (9) --? And you will never

hear him complain! He is (10) -- and always smiling. He always tells me that when you love your job, you never work a day in your life.

Being a wedding planner demands multi-tasking skills, it's not enough to be (11) --. You also need to be (12) --, (13) --, and extremely (14) --. Additionally, you need to be able to remain calm under pressure, because it is a very (15) -- kind of job.

Luckily, llan has all these skills and abilities. He has been blessed with (16) -- patience and a (17) -- imagination.


Choose TEN words from the Unit Glossary (pages 117-118). Write sentences using these words and phrases from Useful Language (page 83).



Read the model descriptive essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

An Admirable Person

I admire many people in the world - Lionel Messi, Oprah Winfrey, Nelson Mandela and others. However, if I had to pick one person that I admire the most it would undoubtedly be my beautiful, kind mom. I look up to her because of her special personality, her remarkable achievements and the exceptional role model she is for me.

Firstly, my mother is devoted to our family. She loves us unconditionally and she always makes sure we have everything we need and more. When I think about her, I can smell the aroma of her delicious homemade cooking coming from the kitchen.

Secondly, my mom is a very affectionate person. Whenever I feel blue, she knows exactly how to cheer me up, starting with a warm bear-hug. She has always been there for me and I know I can always count on her, no matter what.

Another quality I love about my mother is that she is smart and has such vast knowledge, so she always helps me with my studies. In addition, she has always taught me right from wrong and given me sound advice. Thanks to her, I always try to be decent and honest.

All in all, many people have played an important role in my life. Yet, it is my mother who has played the most important role, and still does. She is my rock. I think the world of her and I know I am truly blessed to have her!

A. What details does the writer use to support these general statements about his mother:

She is devoted to her family, She is affectionate, She is smart


B. Which senses does the writer use to describe his mother? Explain why.

C. Which words or expressions does the writer use to describe his mother's

- personality

- devotion

- wisdom

D. Write a descriptive paragraph about a person who has played an important role in your life.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86)

- Use descriptive adjectives, verbs and adverbs.

Topic: --


Read the model descriptive essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Generation Z

Their eyes are glued to the screen as they tap away at warp speed. You will often find them on three screens at the same time. For them, technology is as important as air and water. They are passionate about digital devices and live their lives online. Meet my generation - Generation Z.

How do people perceive us? Some call us digital device addicts; others refer to us as screen junkies. It isn't surprising, as we are constantly surrounded by cellphones, computers, tablets and other hi-tech gadgets. It is almost impossible to tear us away from our devices for more than a couple of minutes. Technology and its innovations rule our world.

Generation Z has a radically different way of communicating than older generations. In our world, face-to-face interactions and real-life discussions are as rare as a sunflower in the desert. We communicate mainly through chats, texting and video conversations. Even when we are in the same place together, each of us focuses on his or her private screen, instead of communicating verbally with one another.

Furthermore, because we are always online, we are skillful at finding information. The world's knowledge is at our fingertips, and this makes us believe we know everything. Our parents and teachers often complain that we do not have sufficient general

knowledge, but at the same time they are highly impressed by our computer skills.

To sum up, every generation has its unique defining characteristics.

My generation, Generation Z, is that of the screen addicts. We experience life via the screen and multi-task more with every new device that comes our way.

A. List FOUR characteristics of Generation Z described in the model essay above.

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --


B. Add THREE more characteristics of your generation.

1. --

2. --

3. --

C. Can you predict what the future generation will be like? Write a descriptive essay.

- In your description include the typical characteristics of this generation.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86).

- Use linking words and expressions (see pages 8-9).

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --


Read the model descriptive essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

A Valued Item

Everyone has an object that they value above all else. In my case, this treasured item is my school yearbook. It is very special to me because it holds so many precious memories of each high school year. For this reason, I would never want to lose it.

To begin with, the book is filled with school photos of each of my classmates, handpicked by them. When I look through the photos of my best friends in school, cherished memories come flooding back, bringing a warm smile to my face. The book also has designated pages for each of the trips and fun activities we experienced together. I can't help laughing hysterically when I look at some of the amusing photos from various school events.

Most importantly, both the beginning pages and the ending pages contain notes and autographs from my friends. They all signed my book and wrote moving remarks about how they felt about me and how much I meant to them. These notes confirmed that I was z-

appreciated and loved by my friends, which is not something to take for granted. These notes made me feel extremely special.

In conclusion, my school yearbook is my most valued possession. If there was a fire in my house, the first thing I would grab would be my yearbook, because it helps me look back and vividly remember all of the unforgettable times I had in high school with my friends.

Topic Sentence - introduces the item that the winter will describe. It may include the writer’s general feeling or opinion about the item.

A. Complete the missing information:

The writer describes: --

His general feeling about the item: --


Supporting sentences - give background information about the item. They also give details to describe how the item looks, smells, feels, sounds or tastes.

B. Complete the missing information:

- General information about the item: --

- Descriptive details about the item: --

- Details about the writer's feelings: --

Concluding Sentence - restates the idea in the topic sentence using different words.

C. Complete the missing information:

- Restated idea: --

D. If you had to choose your most valued item, what would it be? What makes it your most precious possession? Write a descriptive essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86).

- Think about who your audience is. To help you define your audience, follow the steps below.

- Write 120-140 words.

1. Step 1 - How well does your reader know you?

2. Step 2 - What will your reader need to know about the item to understand why it is important to you?

3. Step 3 - What do you want your reader to know about you?

4. Step 4 - What do you want your reader to know about your valued item?


Topic: --


Read the model personal narrative essay and complete the tasks that follow.

While I Was Jogging....

If was six thirty a.m. I was jogging in my local park. The air was as fresh as a daisy, and I could hear the birds chirping loudly. Spring was definitely here. As I was enjoying my daily exercise,

I suddenly heard a faint cry behind the grassy bushes. I noticed a tiny puppy, shivering uncontrollably. It was as cute as a button! It had small triangular ears and big brown eyes, and its fur was as white as snow.

I looked around but couldn't see the puppy's owner anywhere. It looked lost and terribly frightened. At first, I wasn't sure what to do. I was tempted to keep the dog since I had always dreamed of having one, but deep down inside I knew it was wrong. My conscience refused to let me do that. I realized that I had to make an effort to find its owner.

I picked the tiny creature up and looked at its collar to see if there was a dog tag with its owner's information. On the collar, I found a small silver tag with a name and number engraved on it. My hand started shaking as I dialed the number. A man answered the phone and I could fell that he was totally devastated. I heard him give a loud sigh of relief when I told him I had found his lost puppy.

Thirty minutes later, a young couple arrived. They welcomed their puppy, cuddling if gently. It was then that I realized I'd done the right thing. Nothing could replace the warm feeling I felt inside.

A. How does the writer catch the reader's attention? Explain and give examples.


B. Underline THREE examples each of descriptive adjectives, adverbs, verbs and similes in the above model essay and copy them into the table below.





The senses they appeal to - sight, taste, touch, smell, sound.






C. Write a personal narrative essay about an event that made you feel either happy or sad.

- Make sure to choose a meaningful event that is worth describing.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86).

- Brainstorm, using a graphic organizer.

- List the descriptive words you wish to use.

- Write 120-140 words.

(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).

Event: what, when, how, where, who, why.


Topic: --

Introduction: Include a catchy opening. Set the scene (when, where, who).

Paragraph 2: Describe the event - what happened, using sensory details and connectors to show sequence of events.

Paragraph 3: Continue describing the event.

Conclusion: Say why this event is important to you.


Read the model personal narrative essay and complete the tasks that follow.

A Visit to the Chocolate Town

The sweetest place on earth has to be Hershey. Pennsylvania, a town nestled cozily in the corner of Southeastern Pennsylvania. It is the birthplace of Milton S. Hershey, the founder of the renowned Hershey chocolate bar, and it is famous for one thing - chocolate.

1. -- my family travelled to the United States and one of the highlights of our trip was the three fun-filled days we spent in this unique town.

5. -- we went to the fascinating Hershey Museum with its many interactive displays and interesting historical exhibits. 6. -- my favorite part of the visit was the chocolate tasting. A mouthwatering aroma of chocolate wafted temptingly out of that room and the taste of melted chocolate was heavenly!

7. -- we went to the sensational Hershey Amusement Park. Nothing can beat the thrill of whizzing down the roller coaster, the wind flying through your hair, and the screams of the terrified passengers blasting deafeningly through your ears. Everything in the park was chocolate- themed, with colorful characters walking around dressed as Hershey chocolate bars.

8. -- our trip to Hershey Pennsylvania was one of my favorite trips, and an unforgettable experience. Americans definitely know how to enjoy life, and I will certainly go back there some day!

A. Put the following linking words and expressions in the appropriate blank spaces in the model essay above.

On our last day, Overall, The summer before my senior year, Later in the day, On our first day there, also, The next day, But


B. Complete the table with one example from the model essay for each of the descriptive words below.





The town




The musuem




The amusement park




C. From the model essay we learn that there are a lot of enjoyable activities for families and visitors to Hershey. Which of this town's tourist attractions appeals to you the most? Explain your choice.

D. Write a paragraph. Use adjectives and adverbs in your writing.

What in your city could appeal to tourists? Are there any unique or extraordinary things to see and do there? Write a descriptive paragraph.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86).

- Use suitable linking words and expressions (see pages 8-9).

- List the descriptive words you wish to use.

- Brainstorm, using a graphic organizer.

- Write 120-140 words.


Topic: --

Introduction: Include a catchy opening. Set the scene (when, where, who).

Paragraph 2: Describe the event - what happened, using sensory details and connectors to show sequence of events.

Paragraph 3: Continue describing the event.

Conclusion: Say why this event is important to you.


Read the model personal narrative essay and complete the tasks that follow.

My Vacation at Niagara Falls

One of the most famous waterfalls in the world is Niagara Falls, located on the international border between the United States and Canada. The Niagara River drops over the Falls with a deafening roar that never stops, all year long. It is a breathtaking sight and an unforgettable experience.

After visiting the American side, we crossed over to the Canadian side of the falls. There, we stayed at a luxurious hotel and lavished in its pampering amenities, including a spacious spa and an impressive swimming pool with an outstanding view of the Falls. We also spent an afternoon in the National Park, where we hiked and had a picnic, happily soaking up the warm summer sun.

Visiting Niagara Falls was the best vacation ever! It is a magical place to visit. Not only does it offer the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen, but it is also the perfect place for relaxing and appreciating nature's treasures.

A. How does the writer make his or her experience more vivid? Explain and give five examples from the model essay.


B. In your opinion, could seeing the Niagara Falls on IV have the same effect as being there? Explain.

C. Different people love different types of travel and vacations. Some people love nature trips, while others prefer city trips. Some love relaxing vacations, while others would rather go on an adventure vacation. What type of traveler are you?

- Write a descriptive paragraph about such vacation.

- Use adjectives and adverbs in your writing.

Topic: --


Read the model personal narrative essay and complete the tasks that follow.

My Journey to Poland

I am struggling to find the words to describe the unforgettable experience I recently had - an eight-day school trip to Poland to visit the remnants of concentration camps around the country.

It was the most meaningful trip of my life! My entire outlook on life has changed completely as a result of this trip.

As we got off the bus and walked nervously through the black metal gate of Auschwitz, I looked up at the chilling sign Arbeif machf frei, meaning work sets you free, and it sent shivers down my spine. Then, I saw the train tracks and immediately burst into tears as I remembered my grandfather's unbelievable stories of survival. I was thinking of my own relatives and all the Jews who were cruelly led to their deaths in trains, and I felt a heavy weight on my shoulders.

We walked around the ghostly, ice-cold camp and I cried uncontrollably. Walking through the grim gas chambers was the hardest part for me. It was absolutely horrifying and my body was covered in goose bumps! I could still smell the scent of death. I could also hear children sobbing and see their innocent little faces begging for compassion. The unbearable sight of huge piles of shoes and glasses will forever remain with me.

Words cannot describe the feelings that overwhelmed me as I walked around that snow-covered, freezing camp. Pain penetrated my soul like a poisoned arrow.



Details in the text





1 the gate

"As we got off the bus and walked through the black metal gate, ..."





2 the sign






3 the camp






4 the gas chamber






C. Write a personal narrative essay about your last visit to the Yad Vashem Museum.

- Use the model essay and task (B) above to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86).

- Use descriptive words.

- Use linking words and expressions (see pages 8-9).

- Use a word map for brainstorming.

- Write 120-140 words.


Topic: --

Introduction: Include a catchy opening. Set the scene (when, where, who).

Paragraph 2: Describe the event - what happened, using sensory details and connectors to show sequence of events.

Paragraph 3: Describe another aspect of the event, using sensory details and connectors to show sequence of events. I

Paragraph 4: Describe a further aspect of the event, using sensory details and connectors to show sequence of events.

Conclusion: Say why this event is important to you.


Read the model personal narrative essay and complete the tasks that follow.

My First TLV Marathon

"Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing." - Ralph Waldo Emerson. This quotation applies perfectly to marathon runners. Every year Tel Aviv hosts the Tel Aviv Marathon, a huge race that draws ambitious participants from all over the world. They train hard and they aim to win.

This was my first time participating in the 10 kilometer race. An air of excitement filled the crowded race area at Hayarkon Park as thousands of runners gathered to take part in the annual event. "Runners gather round I" a voice boomed over the loudspeaker. As I nervously approached the starting point, my mind was plagued with questions: "What if I haven't trained hard enough? What if I'm not ready? What if I don't make it?"

"Go, go!" a woman shouted. "Faster, run, run I" another spectator screamed. The race had started! At first, all the runners were packed together like sardines, but the crowd soon thinned out. I kept running. The heavy breathing of the runner beside me, and the sound of his feet swiftly skimming over the ground egged me on. As I passed the halfway mark, I began to wonder if the pain would be worth it in the end.

However, as I approached the end, I felt a burst of energy and sprinted to the finish line! It was SO thrilling to finish! I felt such a sense of accomplishment.

Overall, the TLV Marathon was one of the most exciting experiences I have ever had. It was definitely worth all the practice and preparation! Although I did not win, I did complete the race. I gave my all and that is all the satisfaction I need.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American philosopher who lived in the 19th century.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. How does the writer choose to introduce the topic?

2. What effect does it have?


B. Write some words and phrases that the writer uses to describe his or her personal experience in the marathon.

C. How does the writer end his description?

D. Suggest another ending paragraph.

E. Write about a different event I experience that demanded a lot of effort and preparation, and also gave a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 79-86).

- Use descriptive words.

- Use linking words and expressions (see pages 8-9).

- Use a word map for brainstorming.

- Write 120-140 words.


Topic: --

Introduction: Include a catchy opening. Set the scene (when, where, who).

Paragraph 2: Describe the event - what happened, using sensory details and connectors to show sequence of events.

Paragraph 3: Continue describing the event.

Conclusion: Say why this event is important to you.


Final Practice

Task 1: Write an essay describing the job of someone you respect deeply. In your description, include details about his or her personality and the skills needed to be successful at that job.

Topic: --


Task 2: Research and find information about Generation Y. Write a descriptive essay. In your description, include what traits characterize this generation.

Topic: --


A. Answer the following questions using adjectives from the word bank below.

Bank: adventurous, affectionate, argumentative, challenging, contaminated, courageous, disgusting, exceptional, intimidating, irritating, isolated, misinterpreted, random, relaxing, stinky, stubborn, touristy, truthful.

1. What do you call someone who…?

a. ... is determined to do what he or she wants and refuses to do anything else --

b. ... deals with danger or fear without flinching --

c. ... has a tendency to quarrel and dispute --

d. ... is honest and direct in his or her approach --

e. ... is warm and loving, and shows emotions easily --

f. ... is eager to try new things and take risks --

2. What do you call something that…?

a. ... makes you less stressed and tense --

b. ... causes annoyance or anger --

c. ... is demanding, stimulating, inspiring and sometimes hard to achieve --

d. ... makes you feel frightened, nervous or less confident --

e. ... has no specific pattern or purpose --

f. ... is explained or understood incorrectly --

3. What adjective would you use to describe…?

a. ... a place that has an unpleasant smell --

b. ... a place that is a long way from other places and is often difficult to get to --

c. ... a rare, extraordinary talent --

d. ... a place that is visited by lots of tourists --

e. ... terrible, rude behavior --

f. ... a very dirty or polluted place --


Write a descriptive paragraph about a person or place using three characteristics I features from exercise

Topic: --



Use these checklists to check the essays you have written after each model.

CHECKLIST Writing a Descriptive Essay



Did I include an interesting introduction?



Did I choose interesting descriptive details to build the description?



Did I use colorful, sensory words including sound, smell, touch, taste and sight to create strong mental images for the reader?



Did I develop a clear beginning, middle and ending?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Descriptive Essay



Did I include an interesting introduction?



Did I choose interesting descriptive details to build the description?



Did I use colorful, sensory words including sound, smell, touch, taste and sight to create strong mental images for the reader?



Did I develop a clear beginning, middle and ending?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Descriptive Essay



Did I include an interesting introduction?



Did I choose interesting descriptive details to build the description?



Did I use colorful, sensory words including sound, smell, touch, taste and sight to create strong mental images for the reader?



Did I develop a clear beginning, middle and ending?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Descriptive Essay



Did I include an interesting introduction?



Did I choose interesting descriptive details to build the description?



Did I use colorful, sensory words including sound, smell, touch, taste and sight to create strong mental images for the reader?



Did I develop a clear beginning, middle and ending?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I check capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?




Glossary - unit 3

(בספר מילון עם פירושי מילים שונות - היעזר במורה).


(בספר מילון עם פירושי מילים שונות - היעזר במורה).


Unit 4 Problem-Solution Essays


In a problem-solution essay you discuss problems about a particular topic and suggest possible solutions to the problems. Your aim is to convince the reader that the problems can be resolved or overcome.

Guidelines for Writing Problem-Solution Essays


Introductory paragraph State the problem/s, what has caused it/them, and the consequences.

An opening to get the reader's attention


Big cities are noisy places. City dwellers are bombarded day and night by noise from a variety of sources, especially from traffic.

Then, present your thesis statement - presentation of the problem/s, plus causes and consequences; Mention of solutions


"Extreme noise from traffic poses health risks to people of all ages. Fortunately, researchers have developed possible solutions to protect people and still keep the traffic flowing. "

Transition sentence: Connects the introduction to the main body of the essay in a logical and clear way. It helps the reader understand the flow, using connectors and linking words or expressions.


There are a number of ways to deal with the health risks of extreme noise.

The first way suggested by researchers is to .... (beginning of paragraph 1)

Main body Present solutions, each in a separate paragraph. Use connectors and linking words to show the order of the solutions and to help readers understand the flow of ideas.

- Paragraph 1 - 1st solution

- Paragraph 2 - 2nd solution

- Paragraph 3 - 3rd solution (optional)

Conclusion Restate overall possible solutions and summarize your personal opinion.

A problem-solution essay should include: specific, facts, details, examples


Writing Process

Before you write: Brainstorm for problems and solutions.

Define the problem.

Brainstorm to identify several solutions.

Gather supporting information.

Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can, even if they solve only part of the problem.

One good technique is to ask questions.

Create a chart like the one below to help you evaluate your solutions.


An unhealthy lifestyle means more illness. People can suffer from years of aches and pains, and simply ignore them, and then feel surprised when they find out they have developed a serious chronic disease. So how can we improve our health?


Eating unhealthy food

Not getting enough exercise

Other bad habits


Plan a week's worth of meals ahead of time, buy healthy food such as fruit and vegetables at the the grocery store.

Make a schedule, wake up earlier, join a gym.

Try to break habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.

Write a draft: Just write!

Write a first draft of your problem-solution essay.

Decide how to organize your writing. Begin by presenting the problem in the 1st paragraph, leading up to your thesis statement.

Support your opinion with examples and details. Use your lists of supporting information to back up your ideas about the best solution to the problem.

Use an objective tone. Remember that you are appealing to the readers' ability to reason, not to their emotions.

Write a strong conclusion. In your final paragraph, restate your ideas about the problem and its solutions.

Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation.

First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written.


After you write your draft: Improve your writing.

Reread your first draft and make sure that:

The introduction and thesis statement identify the problem.

The body paragraphs describe and explain the solutions.

Your solution are supported by convincing reasons, facts, and examples.

You wrote a strong concluding sentence.

You used suitable connectors and linking words and expressions.

You used useful language for describing problems and solutions.


End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

Use capital letters for the following: the personal pronoun (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week / months of the year, nationalities, etc.

Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its - it's, their - they're, etc.).


Make sure that:

Sentences include a subject and a verb.

Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final essay: Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your essay to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your essay. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 155) to help you.


Useful Language

Discussing problems:

- One of the main problems of / related to ... is…

- Another major problem is …

- … has led to numerous problems.

- One of the issues teens have to deal with today is ... .

Suggesting solutions:

- It would be a good idea to…

- One way to solve this problem is to…

- Steps should be taken to…

- Another practical solution is to…

- This problem could be solved by....

- An effective way to improve ... would be to …

- There are several ways to solve I to deal with this problem.

- The situation could be improved by …

- It is important that action be taken I to take action to combat this problem …

- Efforts should be made to …

Look at some example sentences of useful language:

Global warming is one of the biggest threats facing humanity in the 21st century.

One useful way to stop global warming is to convince people everywhere to buy and use only appliances* that are energy efficient.

Alcohol abuse, a major problem throughout the world, often results in violence and crime.

To fight the problem of alcohol abuse, it would be useful to ban alcohol marketing and to raise the price of alcohol.


More and more animal species today are on the verge of extinction.

It would be helpful to avoid buying products made from threatened species, such as ivory.

Violence in schools is a major problem, with both physical and mental consequences.

A useful way to mitigate the problem of school violence would be to encourage extracurricular activities and school-based prevention programs.

Being overweight is a severe problem because overweight people are more likely to suffer from serious illnesses.

Regular exercise is one of the ways to fight this problem.

One of the most serious problems associated with the Internet is the invasion of privacy and cyber bullying.

One coping strategy would be to encrypt your password.

Students' disrespect for teachers is a major problem facing schools today.

The problem of disrespectful students could be improved by demonstrating respectful ways to approach and respond to teachers.

Drugs continue to be one of the most serious problems confronting modem society.

One possible way to combat the problem is to educate people about its potentially fatal risks.


Pre-writing Tasks

A. Match each problem to the relevant solution.


1. It's pouring outside.

2. The news reporter announced a shortage of water.

3. You have been cyber-bullied over the past two weeks.

4. You want to start a business but you don't have the money for it.

5. You forgot your best friend's birthday.

6. You love playing loud music in your room, but it disturbs your parents.

7. You are feeling severe anxiety about the matriculation exams.

8. You have gained weight recently and are feeling bad about the way you look.


a. Cancel the outdoor event you have


b. Report it to the police.

c. Use water wisely to reduce water waste.

d. Apologize and make it up to him or her.

e. Find a sponsor.

f. Talk to the school's counselor.

g. Avoid junk food and start exercising.

h. Turn the volume down or use


B. Label the sentences below: Opening Sentence, Solution, Closing Sentence.

1. One effective way to solve this problem is to use public transportation. This way, there'll be fewer cars on the roads and the traffic jams will be reduced significantly.

2. Nowadays, a lot of big cities around the world face the problem of traffic congestion. Many drivers find themselves stuck in massive traffic jams on a daily basis.

3. Heavy traffic in our cities, resulting from dependence on private cars, is obviously a serious problem. If this problem is not solved soon, drivers will become seriously frustrated and intolerant on the roads.

For each of the following problems, suggest two possible solutions.

Possible Solutions:

1. --

2. --


News reports about crime, disasters and tragic events can be especially frightening for children. Children tend to get very upset when they are allowed to view such events.

Possible Solutions:

1. --

2. --

D. Fill in the missing words in the following passage. Use the bank below.

Cause, Nevertheless, overcoming, solution, deal, Overall, useful, coping, risk, Fortunately, challenging, unpleasant, a good idea, leads to, frustrating Loneliness of Adolescents

Loneliness is a negative and emotionally painful state of mind, in which a person feels isolated and disconnected.

It is one of the most (1) -- feelings to overcome. The most (2) -- part of loneliness is that you feel alone and disconnected even when you are surrounded by people. Chronic loneliness can be a serious, life-threatening condition.

Many adolescents suffer from loneliness. It's a serious problem that affects their quality of life. It can (3) -- deep depression and sometimes it even (4) -- suicidal thoughts.

Chronically lonely adolescents are at a higher (5) -- of developing social anxiety.

(6) --. there are some steps that can be taken to solve this problem. One possible

(7) -- would be to see a psychologist. A good therapist can give you practical tools to

(8) -- with feelings and symptoms of loneliness.

Another (9) -- way to beat loneliness is to engage in many different activities. Joining a youth movement, a fitness club or any other

club where there are a variety of social interactions, could help you meet people and make friends, thus (10) -- your loneliness.

It would also be (11) -- to keep a pet. Pets make great

companions and can help in the prevention of loneliness. Owning a dog, for instance, not only reduces your indoor loneliness, but also gets you out to meet other dog owners.

(12) -- loneliness is indeed an (13) -- feeling and it is a dangerous state with long-term negative consequences.

(14) -- there are ways of (15) -- with it.


E. Choose TEN words from this Unit Glossary (page 156). Write sentences using these words as well as phrases from Useful Language (page 122).

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

6. --

7. --

8. --

9. --

10. --


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

School Stress

What does too much homework, as well as, too many assignments and tests at the same time spell? Disaster!

Many schoolchildren suffer from stress caused by school pressures like these. School stress is a serious problem that can lead to despair and depression, and therefore needs to be addressed.

There are various ways students can cope with school stress. One useful way is to keep a weekly and daily planner. Planning your schedule ahead and noting down the deadlines for tasks helps you stay organized and manage your school tasks effectively. You will know exactly what school assignments you have to do and how

much time you have to devote to each.

Another solution is to set realistic goals, starting with short-term goals that will lead you to the larger goal. For example, if you're determined to improve your math grades, you must take time to do additional math practice.

Finally, it is essential to keep things in perspective by remembering what is really important in your life. Getting frustrated over school grades will only increase your stress level. Think of the things that make you happy and give you confidence, such as friendships and hobbies. That way you will realize that perfect grades are not the most important thing in life, and you will feel less stressed.

In conclusion, even though it is impossible to eliminate school stress completely, there are ways to manage it. Remember that worrying won't help. You need to learn to cope with school stress in positive ways. I firmly believe that planning ahead and managing your school load better will reduce your stress enormously.

A. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.


B. Which of the solutions suggested in the model essay do you find most helpful? Explain your choice.

C. suggest another possible solution to the problem.

In order to deal with school stress, I would suggest students --.

D. The writer presents steps that students should take to cope with school stress. But schools can also do something about it. How can schools help reduce students' stress?

Write a problem-solution essay. You may use the words and / or ideas below.

fewer tests, less homework, positive feedback, encourage, consult, stress, management

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

When stating the problem, use adjectives such as: severe, serious, problematic, unpleasant, etc.

When suggesting solutions to the problem, use modals and semi-modals, : such as, should, shouldn't, have to, can, could, etc.


Topic: --

A useful technique for brainstorming is asking yourself a range of questions.

WHAT - What are the facts?

- What will happen if no solution is found?

WHY - Why do 1 want to achieve a solution?

- Why did the problem arise?

HOW How will the situation be different?

- How can I solve the problem?

WHO - Who is affected by this situation?

- Who is involved?

WHEN - When do I need to act?

- When must it be resolved?


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Smartphone Addiction

Smartphones have become the century's new addiction. This is a serious problem, since smartphones harm us both mentally and physically. Firstly, their rings, beeps and whistles prevent us from concentrating and relaxing, thus causing mental stress. Secondly, smartphones expose us to radiation, which might cause serious diseases.

In addition, smartphone use while driving is extremely dangerous.

Each of us should make an effort to minimize the harmful effects of smartphone use. There are several ways of doing this.

One way is simply to reduce the amount of time you use your cellphone. Put a time limit on your conversations and write only short messages and emails. Less smartphone use means less exposure to dangerous radiation. Another solution might be to turn your smartphone off when you want to devote full attention to what you are doing and to the people you are with. This will enable you to enjoy quality time, without interruptions.

In addition, you must avoid using the smartphone while driving, in fact, smartphone use while driving should be prohibited altogether. It has been found that using a smartphone for talking, texting or reading messages distracts drivers and often leads to accidents. By making the use of smartphones illegal while driving, we can reduce traffic accidents and save lives.

To sum up, although smartphones are useful devices that have changed our lives for the better, they are also addictive and dangerous. If we want to avoid their harmful effects, we must learn how to use them wisely. I truly believe that limiting the usage of this device will help reduce some of its dangers.

A. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.


B. Which of the solutions suggested in the model essay do you find most helpful? Explain your choice.

C. Below is a list of common problems people often face with their smartphone devices. Choose THREE of them and suggest ways to solve them.

- Bluetooth issues

- short battery life

- performance (the Touch ID...)

- audio issues

- screen breaks easily

- overheating issues

- storage

Example: To save battery life when traveling by plane, you should turn on airplane mode.

D. One of the problems with smartphones is that people can easily become addicted to them and find it hard to put them down.

- Discuss another gadget that people often become addicted to.

- Explain why it is a problem.


E. Teens who are outsiders often use their smartphones to compensate for their difficulty in making friends. What other solutions could these teens use, if they didn't have smartphones?

Write a problem-solution essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --

Thesis statement plus transition sentence: --

Solution paragraph introductory sentence:

Solution 1: --

Solution 2: --

Solution 3: --

Conclusion: --


Topic: --


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Environmental Concerns

The Earth is in danger. Global warming, the hole in the ozone layer and pollution are threatening the Earth's survival. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi: "Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed." Just as human greed is responsible for the destruction of our planet, the Earth's regeneration too lies in our hands. We must save our planet.

There are many things we can do to protect the environment.

First of all, we should recycle things - not only plastic

bottles and paper, but also things like old tires, which can be

used to make playground equipment. Recycling will reduce the amount of garbage in our environment.

Another useful solution is to fine industries for throwing waste, such as chemicals and metals, into rivers and seas. Individuals should also be fined for throwing garbage, such as plastic bags and plastic dishes, on the beach.

Last but not least, people should be encouraged to use public transportation. Organizing campaigns about the benefits of public transport could persuade people to use it more and this could help reduce air pollution caused by all the cars on our streets and highways.

In conclusion, we must remember that the Earth is our only home and we need to protect it. We must take action to prevent, or at least minimize, the damage that is being done to our environment. With simple actions like recycling products, introducing fines and using public transportation, we can make this happen.

A. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.

B. 1. Copy the transition sentence.

2. Suggest a transition sentence of your own.


C. What three actions does the writer suggest taking to alleviate the environmental concerns?

1st solution --

2nd solution --

3rd solution --

D. How can we prevent air pollution in our home?

Write a problem-solution essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

- A good technique for brainstorming is asking yourself a range of questions about your topic.


Topic: --


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Physical Disabilities

Physically disabled people often have social difficulties, as they are less mobile and therefore isolated. Many also have difficulties in performing simple tasks like shopping or bathing. But where there's a will, there's a way. Despite their physical limitations, there are many ways we can make their lives easier.

To begin with, public places should be made accessible to the physically disabled. This means building ramps and elevators suitable for wheelchairs, and passing laws to ensure that buildings have these feature.

Another way of helping the physically disabled is to

make public transportation more accessible to them, by putting special ramps, mobile steps and wide aisles in buses and trains. Adding these features will ensure that disabled people can move around town like everyone else.

Most important, we can help the disabled by educating the public. We need to teach them how to treat, communicate with and give aid to the disabled. For example, people need to learn how to assist a blind person, communicate with a deaf person, and avoid insulting someone who is having difficulty. Public awareness can be increased through the school system and the media.

In summary, the physically disabled contend with a lot of problems. It is our obligation to help them, and there are many ways of doing so, both logistically and mentally, provided that we have the right attitude. As Scott Hamilton said, "The only disability in life is a bad attitude."

A. List THREE challenges or difficulties handicapped people face.

1. --

2. --

3. --

B. What is the thesis statement in the model essay above?


C. Copy the transition sentence from the model essay.

D. Write your own transition sentence for the model essay.

E. The essay discusses the steps society can take to help the disabled. Think about how schools can help children who struggle with disabilities.

Write a problem-solution essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

- You may use some of the words below.

Equal, funds, respectful, barriers, opportunities, equipment, facilitate, accessible, accommodation, ensure, overcome, support, enable


Topic --:

Thesis statement plus transition sentence: --

Solution 1: --

Solution 2: --

Solution 3: --

Conclusion: --


Topic: --


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Road Accidents

More people die on the roads than from malaria. Every day, thousands of people worldwide die or are injured in road accidents. The world's population is constantly growing, and likewise the number of drivers and cars. Unless something is done, the resulting increase in road accidents will reach tragic proportions. This is an international problem that must be addressed immediately.

There are several ways of taking action to prevent, or at least minimize, road accidents. First of all, traffic laws must be enforced, especially laws against speeding, AG laws requiring drivers to keep their distance from the car ahead, and laws against drinking and driving. Safe driving requires good judgement and coordination, which are influenced by the use of alcohol.

In addition, more traffic police and cameras need to be placed along major roads, and drivers should be fined or even suspended from driving for breaking these traffic laws.

Another action that needs to be taken is prohibiting the use of cellphones while driving. Talking on cell phones and texting messages is now the number one cause of traffic accidents. Using the cellphone while driving makes it impossible to concentrate on the road, on other cars or on pedestrians.

In conclusion, traffic accidents happen too often and they result in too many deaths and injuries. Still, we can change the situation by enforcing traffic laws and discouraging dangerous habits, such as alcohol use and texting. If people were more focused while driving, our roads would be safer for all.

A. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.

CAUTION: Know your thesis.


B. Copy the transition sentence.

C. Suggest a transition sentence of your own.

What steps (solutions) does the writer suggest to reduce car accidents?

1. Solution --

2. Solution --

E. Which solution suggested in the model essay do you think is the most effective? Explain.

F. Suggest TWO more effective ways to solve the problem discussed in the essay.


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Violence at Sporting Events

Sports events are meant to be fun and full of lively competition. Unfortunately, these events are often spoiled by violent incidents. In fact, violence at sports events is very common today, with aggressive behavior and fighting taking place daily in stadiums around the world. This phenomenon often has severe consequences, from damage to property to serious, sometimes fatal, injuries.

Steps need to be taken to solve this problem.

One way of preventing violence at sports events is to ensure sufficient supervision to control the crowds. If and security guards are positioned both

outside and inside the stadium, there is a better chance of restraining hot-tempered fans. Violent incidents break out regularly, but they can be controlled and even prevented if security forces are present everywhere.

Another practical solution is to place barriers between the spectators and the playing field, to prevent spectators from running onto the field and interfering with the game. Current regular fences in most stadiums are not always adequate.

In addition, steps can be taken to discourage players and spectators from getting involved in violence. For example, fining fans for interfering with games and suspending players without pay for violent behavior could assist in combating violence at sports events.

To sum up, sports events should be fun, rewarding experiences for everyone, with safety as a top priority. There is no doubt in my mind that proper security arrangements and penalties for violence will protect both players and spectators, and ensure that these events are truly enjoyable.

A. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.


B. Which of the solutions suggested in the model essay do you find most helpful? Explain your choice.

C. Suggest another possible solution to the problem.

In order to deal with violence at sports events, I would suggest --

D. Below is a list of problems related to sporting events.

1. Put them in order, from the most to the least serious.

a. -- Spectators use abusive language and curse players.

b. -- Fans talk on the phone loudly during the game.

c. -- Players attack fans.

d. -- Spectators menace players.

e. -- Spectators stand to take selfies during the game.

f. -- Fans fight amongst themselves.

g. -- Players fight amongst themselves.

h. -- Fans attack players.

2. Complete the passage below to explain your choice.

As I see it, the most serious problem is --, because -- is the least serious problem, because --.


E. People frequently videotape violent incidents on their smartphones. How could it be a problem? How could it be a solution?

Write a problem-solution essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Parent-Teen Conflicts

"What's the point of talking to you? You never listen to me anyway." These words epitomize many parent-teen arguments. Parent-child conflict is normal. However, when the arguments occur frequently, the tension at home can become intolerable and detrimental to the relationship. Fortunately, there are several ways to deal with this conflict.

Firstly, a useful solution to parent-child conflict is simply to listen to the other side. Since parents want the best for their children, they usually have a good reason for their demands. At the same time, children have reasons for their demands and opinions, too. The first carefully and weigh what the other side is saying. It might

step is, therefore, for both sides to listen make sense!

In addition, once parents and children hear the other side, they need to learn to understand each other's viewpoint. It is important for both sides to realize that certain opinions and beliefs are not necessarily wrong just because they are different from their own.

If all else fails, and the conflict between parents and children continues to spoil their relationship, a further step can be taken. A mediator can be involved - someone who will listen to both sides and help them reach a compromise.

To conclude, remember that it is totally normal for children and parents to disagree, as long as it doesn't begin to take a toll on the relationship. There are ways of dealing with the problem. Mutual respect and compromise will reduce tension and create a much happier home environment.

A. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.


B. Which of the solutions suggested in the model essay do you most identify with? Explain your choice.

C. Suggest another possible solution to combat the problem of parent-teen conflict.

In order to deal with parent-teen conflict, I would suggest --.

D. Have you ever argued with your parents? What are your conflicts mostly about? How are they usually resolved? Write a problem-solution essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

- You may use some of the words below.

generation gap, consider, different attitudes, different opinions, disrespect ignore, imagine being, misunderstand, compromise, consult, considerate, conflict, argument, disagreement, mutual respect, frustrated.

Consider the following questions in planning your essay:


What do 1 want to achieve?What are the facts?What will happen if no solution is found?


Why do 1 want to achieve a solution?Why did the problem arise?


How will the situation be different?How can 1 solve the problem?How can 1 involve relevant people?


Who is affected by this situation?Who is involved?


When do 1 need to act?When must it be resolved?


Topic: --


Read the model problem-solution essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Eating Disorders among Teens

Eating disorders can have a disastrous effect on teens - especially girls. They involve extreme disturbances in eating behavior, such as rigid dieting, compulsive overeating or throwing up after meals. These destructive habits are extremely harmful, both physically and emotionally. Furthermore, they can affect teens' health as adults, and even lead to suicidal thoughts and long-term hospitalization. Fortunately, there are several directions one can take to help a teen recover from an eating disorder.

One effective way for someone who notices signs of a teen eating disorder is to encourage the teen to consult with a professional. A counselor or nutritionist specializing in eating disorders will give the young patient the tools and

support for recovering. Of course, the family and friends must be supportive too, promising to do anything they can to help the teen recover.

In summary, eating disorders are very harmful to one's physical and mental health. They must be dealt with as early as possible, especially among teens, in order to prevent future health problems. Luckily, with support and self-help strategies, recovery is within reach.

A. List three challenges or difficulties when dealing with eating disorders among teens.

1. --

2. --

3. --

B. Copy the thesis statement in the introduction paragraph of the model essay.


C. Copy the transition sentence from the model essay.

D. Write your own transition sentence for the model essay.

E. The essay discusses a variety of steps that deal with eating disorders among teens. What could be the connection between the media and eating disorders?

Write a problem-solution essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 119-123).

- Brainstorm for as many solutions as you can.

- Create a chart to help you organize your solutions.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --

Thesis statement plus transition sentence: --

Solution paragraph introductory sentence:

Solution 1: --

Solution 2: --

Solution 3: --

Conclusion: --


Topic: --


Final Practice

Task 1

In your school, there is significant support for sports but less support for other extracurricular activities. Many parents and teachers at your school see this as a problem and would like to increase student involvement in extracurricular activities other than sports. They have invited students to offer solutions that will be published in the school newspaper.

Write a problem-solution essay for your school newspaper in which you propose some solutions for increasing participation in extracurricular activities other than sports.

Topic: --


Task 2

Bullying has become a problem in your school. It happens in restrooms, hallways and the gym. Think about what the bullies are like and what they do to bother and frighten others. Think about what you can do to solve the problem.

Write a problem-solution essay addressed to your teacher. Write about how the problem of bullying is affecting your class. First, you will need to describe the annoying and frightening behavior of the bully / bullies. Then describe how your classmates are affected. Finally, explain what needs to be done to stop the bullying of your classmates.

Topic: --



Below are Problem-Solution quotes. Choose the quote you identify with the most. Write a paragraph explaining why you agree with it. Give examples to justify your answer.

1. “If I had an hour to solve a problem. I'd spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about solutions." Albert Einstein.

2. “It's so much easier to suggest solutions when you don't know too much about the problem," Malcolm Forbes.

3. “Most of the problems in life are because of two reasons, we act without thinking OR we keep thinking without acting." Anonymous.



CHECKLIST Writing a Problem-Solution Essay



Did my opening paragraph introduce the problem clearly?



Did the body paragraphs examine several solutions?



Are my solutions supported with convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Does my conclusion include a summary of the main points?



Did I include suitable connectors and linking words and expressions?



Did I include useful language for problem-solution essays?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Problem-Solution Essay



Did my opening paragraph introduce the problem clearly?



Did the body paragraphs examine several solutions?



Are my solutions supported with convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Does my conclusion include a summary of the main points?



Did I include suitable connectors and linking words and expressions?



Did I include useful language for problem-solution essays?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Problem-Solution Essay



Did my opening paragraph introduce the problem clearly?



Did the body paragraphs examine several solutions?



Are my solutions supported with convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Does my conclusion include a summary of the main points?



Did I include suitable connectors and linking words and expressions?



Did I include useful language for problem-solution essays?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Problem-Solution Essay




Did my opening paragraph introduce the problem clearly?




Did the body paragraphs examine several solutions?




Are my solutions supported with convincing reasons, facts, and examples?




Does my conclusion include a summary of the main points?




Did I include suitable connectors and linking words and expressions?




Did I include useful language for problem-solution essays?




Did I write 120-140 words?





(בספר פירושי מילים - היעזר במורה).


Unit 5 Cause and Effect Essays


In a cause and effect essay you explain the causes (why things happen) and I or the effects (what happens as a result) of an event or situation. You discuss how specific conditions or events lead to certain effects in order to inform or persuade your audience.

Guidelines for Writing Cause and Effect Essays


There are three possible ways to structure a cause and effect essay:

1. Many causes leading to one effect

Introductory paragraph: Provide background information about the topic. Present the thesis of your essay: state the effect and why it is important to analyze the causes.

Main body: State the causes and the effect.

1st cause

2nd cause

3rd cause (etc.)

The effect of all causes (analyzes the one effect all the above mentioned causes have)

Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement and call your readers to action.

Introduction, Effect, Cause 1, Cause 2, Cause 3, Conclusion.

2. One cause leading to many effects

Main body: State the cause and the effects.

cause (analyzes the reason something happens)

1st effect

2nd effect

3rd effect (etc.)

Introduction, cause, Effect 1, Effect 2, Effect 3, Conclusion.

Conclusion: Restate the thesis and call your readers to action.


3. Many causes leading to many effects.

Main body: State the causes and the effects.

Causes, Effects

Conclusion: Restate the thesis statement and call your readers to action.

Introduction, Causes, Effects, Conclusion.

Writing Process

Before you write: Brainstorm for ideas.

Choose your topic.

Decide whether you want to focus on causes or effects.

Create an outline to help improve the organization of your essay.

Brainstorm for information, details and examples.

Brainstorm for as much information as you can about your thesis statement. Make sure your thesis statement indicates whether the essay will discuss causes or effects.

Focus on

Example thesis statements


- Many people prefer to shop online. There are several reasons for this.- The increase in obesity around the world is due to the negative influence of commercials for fast food and the easy availability of such foods.


- This essay will discuss the effects of the overuse of smartphones on teenagers' family time.- Most people are not aware of the positive effects of walking 30 minutes every day.

Create a chart like this one (or similar) to help organize your essay.

Causes of Air Pollution

(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).


Use Transitional Words when moving between causes and effects in your essay.

Transitions for Causes

is a result of, results from, is the reason for, since owing to, seeing that, thanks to, because (of) due to, leads to, is caused by

Transitions for Effects

So, so that, so then, a consequence of, consequently therefore, thus, then, for this reason, as a result that is why

Use Signal Words when you want to indicate the certainty of your statements and the level of importance of your points.

Degrees of Certainty

Certainly, may, necessarily, perhaps, probably undoubtedly, unquestionably

Levels of Importance

above all, more / most importantly, less / least importantly finally, first, initially, last, primarily, second third, equally

Write a draft Just write!

Write a first draft of your cause and effect essay.

Decide how to organize your writing - What is the order of the causes or effects you are writing about (i.e. the least important to the most important, or vice versa)?

Support your writing with examples and details. Use your lists of supporting information to back up your ideas.

Use an objective tone. Remember that you are appealing to readers' ability to reason, not to their emotions.

Write a strong conclusion. In your final paragraph, restate your ideas about the cause/s and effect/s.

Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation at this stage.

First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written.


After you write your draft Improve your writing.

Reread your draft carefully to find ways of improving your writing.

Here are some questions to ask yourself.

Does the introduction clearly state the topic and the thesis?

Do the body paragraphs explain the causes / effects thoroughly?

Is your thesis supported by convincing facts and examples?


End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

Use capital letters for the following: the first person (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week I months of the year, nationalities, etc.

Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your-you're, its - it's, their - they're, etc.).


Make sure that:

Sentences include a subject and a verb.

Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final essay Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your essay to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your essay. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 197) to help you.


Useful Language


The first factor leading to... is …

The main cause of... is …

The second major cause of... is …

Another factor leading to ... is …

The main reason for... is …

Another reason why... is …

One of the most significant causes of... is … one of the leading causes of... today.

Most... occur due to …

One of the most common triggers of... is …

A typical cause of... is …

There are several factors that lead to … to …


The effect I consequence would be …

Possible outcomes of... are …

There are negative effects to …

One of the common effects of... is …

One of the damaging effects of... on ... is …

…has a number of harmful effects.

One of the consequences of... is …

There are several effects that could result from …

could also result in …

The immediate result of... is …

One of the problems that arises from …

Another negative outcome of... is …


Look at some example sentences of useful language:

Focus on Causes:

Cutting down trees leads to the extinction of some species of animals.

One of the reasons for teenage smoking is their wish to fit in.

The main reason for test failure is poor studying habits.

One of the leading causes of sports injuries is improper weight training.

One of the causes of hearing loss is loud music.

Other causes of headaches are stress and tiredness.

An important contributor to fighting among siblings is jealousy.

One of the main causes of allergies is season changes.

Focus on Effects:

Human activities are also a factor in global warming.

One of the effects that bullying has on children is the development of eating disorders.

The effects of violence can be overwhelming.

Another outcome of eating too much junk food is obesity.

One of the most noticeable side-effects of horror films is sleeplessness.

The immediate result of the workers' strike was ....

Being called names and being ridiculed leads to feelings of inferiority.

Limited reading ability often results in poor verbal skills.

One of the possible negative effects of poverty is underachievement at school.

People living in overpopulated areas often suffer from unemployment.


Pre-writing Tasks

Match the causes to their effects.


1. Pessimistic people constantly expect the worst.

2. People who are greedy

3. Moving to a new school

4. Memorial day ceremonies

5. Students who behave violently in school

6. When someone is ambitious and determined to achieve something,


a. make people emotional.

b. sometimes causes feelings of anxiety and


c. are often bitter and dissatisfied with what they have.

d. are severely punished. They are often suspended*

e. he or she will probably accomplish it.

f. As a result, they are often stressed and worried.

Read these eight topics. Put a check mark (7) next to the four that could be suitable topics for cause and effect essays.

1. The increasing use of computers in school. --

2. How to play the drums --

3. Dietary guidelines for teenagers --

4. The reasons for the changes in the earth's weather in the last century --

5. Why some students receive a scholarship --

6. Vietnam versus Japan as a vacation destination --

7. Why the birth rate is falling in many countries --

8. A trip to Paris to see the Louvre Museum --

What other topics would be appropriate for a cause and effect essay? Write TWO of your own ideas below.


Write TWO possible CAUSES for each of the topics / phenomena below.

1. Low self-esteem --

2. Racism --

3. Obesity --

4. Reading difficulties --

5. Headaches --

Write TWO possible EFFECTS for each of the topics below.

1. Being unemployed --

2. Intensive workouts --

3. Eating a lot of junk food --

4. Texting while driving --

5. Violent video games --


E. Choose TEN words from the Unit Glossary (page 198). Write sentences using these words as well as phrases from Useful Language (page 161).

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

6. --

7. --

8. --

9. --

10. --


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Child Abuse


Child abuse occurs when a parent or a caregiver causes physical, emotional or sexual harm to a child. Unfortunately, child abuse is a widespread phenomenon that can have devastating effects on a child, even resulting in death. Below are some of the causes of child abuse and their effects.

!here are several factors that put children at risk of abuse. One major factor is lack of parenting knowledge and skills. Many people simply do not have the skills needed to raise a child! Another common contributor to child abuse is financial pressure. Unemployment and serious debts may aggravate parents' stress, stimulating violent behavior towards their own child. Mental health problems, such as depression, are another typical cause of child abuse. A depressed parent may take his or her frustration out on the child. Finally, alcohol consumption by a parent may cause the parent to lose control and abuse the child.

There are serious negative effects to child abuse. The most common negative effect is behavioral problems. Abused adolescents often engage in violence and high-risk health behaviors, including smoking, alcohol and drug use. Another noticeable effect of child maltreatment is that abused children often grow up to be abusive parents.

In conclusion, although parental abuse of children seems inconceivable, it is actually terribly common. Acts of child abuse can result in serious injury to the child and possibly even death. There are many different factors leading to child abuse. However, regardless of the cause, child abuse is never justifiable and prevention is top priority.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

The thesis statement - expresses the intention of the writer.


B. How is the essay organized? Tick the correct answer.

YES / No

Many causes leading to one effect YES / No

One cause leading to many effects YES / No

Many causes leading to many effects YES / No

C. What are the causes that the writer mentions in the model essay?

D. what are the effects that the writer mentions?

E. Write ONE detail that strongly supports the thesis statement.


What could be the effects of over-spoiling a child? Could they be harmful, too? To what degree? Write a cause and effect essay. You can use the words / ideas below.

Rude, harmful, life skills, adulthood, dependent, motivated / unmotivated, lacking maturity, problem-solving skills, independent, responsible / irresponsible, behavior, boundaries

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 157-162).

- Decide on your thesis statement.

- Brainstorm for as many effects as you can.

- Create a flow chart to help you plan your essay.

- Write 120-140 words.

The Effects of Over-Spoiling a Child

(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).

When you write a cause and effect essay, remember the following:

1. State whether you are focusing on causes, effects, or both. Since a paragraph is not very long, it's often easier to focus on either causes or effects.

2. Make sure that your causes and effects are real and that your assumptions are logical.


Illogical: The machine doesn't work because it is inexpensive.

(This statement is illogical because quality is not always measured by price).

Logical: The machine doesn't work because it is made of poor quality metal.


Topic: --


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Alcohol Consumption Among Teens


Alcohol consumption among teens is very common today. Nowadays, more and more teenagers are experimenting with alcohol. This has become a major health and social concern and has numerous negative consequences. Here are some of the main contributing factors and effects of teens drinking alcohol.

One reason for alcohol consumption among teens is their wish to fit in with the crowd. The teen years are a time when the need to belong is instinctual. Since alcohol is extremely popular among teens today, it is one of the tools teens use to achieve this sense of belonging. The media are another contributing factor. Television shows and movies show people consuming alcohol to escape reality. Teens see this and are influenced to start drinking because it seems fun, and looks like an easy way to deal with pressure and solve problems.

Unfortunately, a large number of harmful effects result from consuming alcohol at a young age.

The major negative effect is that early alcohol consumption greatly increases the risk of alcohol dependence. A person who starts drinking as a teenager may become physically or mentally addicted to alcohol for the rest of his/her life. This can lead to many health problems, as well as psychological and social problems. Another effect is the risk of violence. Teenagers who consume large amounts of alcohol are more likely to get involved in violent acts. Furthermore, there is the risk of accidents, which often occur as a result of alcohol consumption.

In conclusion, alcohol consumption among teens is a widespread problem with serious consequences. It is therefore important to make teenagers aware of the harmful effects of alcohol misuse and to talk to them about the importance of responsible drinking.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.


B. What are the causes that the writer mentions in the model essay?

C. What are some of effects that the writer mantions?

D. Write ONE detail that strongly supports the thesis statement.

E. Below is an outline for a paragraph about the effects of drinking alcohol among teens. Complete the paragraph, giving THREE effects not mentioned in the model essay.

Many teens today consume alcohol. Most of them do it occasionally, while others drink alcohol on a daily basis.

There are several negative effects of teenage alcohol consumption. One possible effect is --

Another common effect is --

Finally, --


F. Write some possible causes and effects for the following topics. Then decide if your paragraph will focus on causes or effects.

Example: Smoke-free zones



people complain about smokenew lawnon-smoking groups asking for smoke-free zoneslack of ventilation in closed areas

people smoke in entrances of buildingscigarette litter outside buildingsreduce the chances of young people taking up smokingsmokers take long breaks at work

Focus on: Effects

1. Sibling Rivalry





Focus on: --

2. Cyber Bullying





Focus on: --

3. Telling Lies

(בספר טבלה בת שתי עמודות ושתי שורות - היעזר במורה)





Focus on: --


Unit 5 - Cause and Effect Essays

G. Choose ONE of the topics from (F) and write a cause and effect essay. Use the table to help you.

Topic: --


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.



A rumor is a form of gossip that circulates from one person to another. Rumors have existed for centuries, but in today's world of high-speed social media, spreading rumors has become increasingly easy and widespread. Unfortunately, these rumors are often false and misleading, and have harmful effects on people. This essay will investigate some of the causes of spreading rumors, and their effects.

There are several factors that drive people to spread rumors. One major factor is boredom. There are people for whom spreading rumors is a way of creating drama and escaping boredom. Another common explanation for this phenomenon is the need to get attention and be considered informed. Telling a secret that nobody else knows makes a person the center of attention. An additional cause is envy. This strong emotion can make a person want to humiliate or even ruin another person.

lire effects of spreading rumors are numerous. To begin with, a false rumor can ruin someone's reputation. People might get the wrong idea about this person and decide to cut ties with him or her. This could lead to major psychological problems for the person, including depression. The long-term effects of spreading malicious rumors about someone can be even more serious. A person's self-esteem and self-confidence could be destroyed forever.

To conclude, rumors spread very quickly these days. Spreading false rumors is a harmful act that can cause serious problems. In order to stop this damaging phenomenon from continuing, it is important to raise awareness of the dangers involved. People must learn to think twice before spreading rumors about others.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.


B. What are the causes that the writer mentions in the model essay?

C. What are some of

D. Describe ONE positive rumor and its possible effects.

E. Describe ONE negative rumor and its possible effects.


F. TV commercials are often a form of brainwashing. They use persuasion techniques to trigger buying. Many people, especially teenagers, are easily influenced by such commercials and become obsessively devoted to brands that are advertised.

Write a cause and effect essay.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 157-162).

- Decide on your thesis statement.

- Brainstorm for as many causes and effects as you can.

- Create a flow chart to help you plan your essay.

- Write 120-140 words.

(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).


Topic: --


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.



If you never open an umbrella in the house, walk under a ladder or celebrate an event on Friday the 13th, you are not alone. Many people are superstitious, believing that their actions will bring good or bad luck, and will dramatically affect their lives. This essay will examine how being superstitious affects people. Superstitions are not rational, but they are a common phenomenon in many cultures and we all believe in at least one.

One of the effects of being superstitious is fear. People who are superstitious strongly believe that if they do or do not do something, a terrible thing will happen to them. This belief often results in great anxiety. For example, a superstitious person will panic after accidentally breaking a mirror, because of the belief that this will bring seven years of bad luck.

Another typical effect is weird behavior. Superstitious people often become dependent on certain rituals, which are quite irrational. For instance, they believe that a black cat crossing their path will bring them bad luck. Consequently, whenever they see one they immediately spit on the ground, as spit is believed to have the ability to protect us from harm.

To conclude, even though superstitions are widespread, they are not a positive phenomenon. They make people fearful and lead to strange behavior. We should be aware of their dangers, so as not to fall into the trap of these unfounded beliefs.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.


How is the essay organized? Tick the correct answer.


Many causes leading to one effect YES / NO

One cause leading to many effects YES / NO

Many causes leading to many effects YES / NO

C. 1. What examples of superstitious behavior does the writer give?

2. Do you believe in a superstition? Describe what you do to avoid bad luck.

D. What are the effects that the writer mentions?

E. Write one more possible negative effect of being superstitious.


F. Add a positive effect of being superstitious.

1. Example: wearing a specific piece of clothing (a hat, a shirt, a necklace) for good luck

It gives you a sense of control and boosts your performance in various situations.

2. Example: crossing your fingers or knocking on wood

It makes you feel protected and able to keep away bad luck and bring about good luck.

3. --

G. Superstitious people's actions often result from fear. Suggest THREE other human actions or activities that result from fear.

1. --

2. --

3. --

H. Many people won't admit that they are superstitious. Think of at least TWO reasons for that.

- Write a short paragraph.

- Use the General Guidelines for Writing (see pages 5-6).


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Teen Depression


The teenage years are tough. Teens experience many changes and challenges, and unfortunately a lot of them suffer from depression. Teen depression is a serious problem that affects the way these teens feel, think and behave. In order to deal with this problem, it is important to understand its causes.

One of the most significant causes of teen depression is feeling like an outsider. For teens it is extremely important to fit in and be part of the crowd, and when they fail to do so, their self-esteem drops and they get depressed. A further major cause of teen depression is bullying. Studies show that long-term bullying via social networks, such as Facebook, can lead to deep depression and even suicidal thoughts.

Another equally important cause is stress at school, arising from the demands of teachers and parents. At this point in their lives, teens are aware of the importance of academic success. They make huge efforts to succeed in their studies and when their efforts fail, they often become depressed.

In conclusion, teen depression is a serious issue. It results from various causes, and unquestionably impacts every aspect of a teen's life. It is vital for parents and teachers to identify the symptoms and understand the causes, in order to help teens who are in distress.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.


How is the model essay organized? Tick the correct answer.


Many causes leading to one effect YES / NO

One cause leading to many effects YES / NO

Many causes leading to many effects YES / NO

Write three possible effects of being a depressed teen.


F. 1. What other information should the writer have included to make the message of the essay stronger?

2. What useful vocabulary is used to emphasize the message?

G. In what way does the writer indicate the certainty of his / her statements and the level of importance of his / her points?

Complete the chart with signal words of cause and effect (see page 159).

Degrees of Certainty --

Levels of Importance --

H. Write an essay about the causes and / or effects of Anxiety in Adolescence. Use the model essay about teen depression to help you.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 157-162).

- Decide on your thesis statement.

- Brainstorm for as many causes and effects as you can.

- Create a flow chart to help you plan your essay.

- Write 120-140 words.

(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).


Topic: --


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Demanding Parents


When your best isn't good enough, you know you have demanding parents! These parents want their children to excel at everything they do. Their expectations are too high and they push their children too hard to be the best, resulting in many harmful effects.

One common negative effect is tension between parents and children. Children who are pushed too hard often begin to resent their parents. They don't want to listen to their parents' demands because they are tired of hearing how they should improve.

Another potentially negative outcome is that, many times, pushing children too much leads to the opposite effect. It may discourage them from achieving at school, or from excelling at a particular activity. For example, a teen who plays basketball on a team and is constantly being criticized by his parent for not performing better might lose interest in the game altogether.

Finally, children of overly demanding parents could become too stressed out. 'They have enough pressure from school work and social issues, and the added burden of fulfilling their parents' high expectations can result in feelings of depression and anxiety.

To sum up, parents should limit their demands, bearing in mind that too much pressure on their children can have an undesired effect. It goes without saying that parents want the best for their children. In order for that to happen, they must support their children in everything they do, and avoid being overly demanding.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.

B. Write one detail that strongly supports the thesis statement.


How is the model essay organized? Tick the correct answer.

Many causes leading to one effect YES / NO

One cause leading to many effects YES / NO

Many causes leading to many effect YES / NO

D. What are the effects that the writer mentions in the model essay?

E. What useful language is used to introduce the negative effects?

F. In the model essay, the writer discusses the phenomenon of overly demanding parents. What are the reasons for this phenomenon? Why is it important for so many parents that their children excel in all that they do?

Write a paragraph about the possible causes. Add details and examples.


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.

The Effect of Negative News Reports


Nowadays, with so many forms of media available, children are constantly exposed to disastrous events in the news. They learn about war, terror, famine, crime and natural disasters and very often this exposure affects their behavior and perception of the world. There are several harmful effects resulting from childrens exposure to negative news reports.

The most common effect is a feeling of fear and worry. Most people cannot stay indifferent to disasters, let alone young children. For example, hearing a report about people dying in an earthquake can make children afraid that they may be the next victims of an earthquake.

Negative news reports can unquestionably lead to pessimism and to seeing the world in an overly negative light. This may cause us to ignore or focus less on the positive aspects of our world.

To conclude, children's exposure to negative news reports may have serious and long-lasting negative effects on them. It is hard for them to process and cope with news about disasters and loss. Perhaps we cannot avoid exposing children to troublesome news reports, but there are certainly ways to reduce the negative effect this exposure has on them.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.


3 How is the essay organized? Tick the correct answer.

Many causes leading to one effect YES / NO

One cause leading to many effects YES / NO

Many causes leading to many effects YES / NO

C. What is the cause that the writer mentions in the model essay?

D. What is the effects that the writer mentions?

E. Write one detail that strongly supports the thesis statement.

F. What other information should the writer have included to strengthen the message of the essay?

G. In what way does the writer indicate the certainty of his/her statements and level of importance of his/her points? Complete the chart with signal words of cause and effect (see page 159).

Degrees of Certainty --

Levels of Importance --


H. Some people love bad news. What could be the reasons for that? Write at least three causes.

1. --

2. --

3. --

I. Write a cause and effect essay about How Media Censorship Affects the News We See.

Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 157-162).

Decide on your thesis statement.

Brainstorm for as many causes and effects as you can.

Create a flow chart to help you plan your essay.

Write 120-140 words.

(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).

Use the following transitional words when moving between causes and effects in your essay.

Transitions for Causes: is a result of, results from, the reason for, since / because (of) due to, leads to, is caused by, owing to, seeing that, thanks to

Transitions for Effects: so, so that, so then, a consequence of, consequently, therefore thus, then, for this reason, as a result, that is why


Topic: --


Read the model cause and effect essay and complete the tasks that follow.

Illegal Music Downloading


The availability of free music has created many negative outcomes. As a result, protecting music copyrights is highly necessary today.

One major problem that arises from illegally downloading music is the loss of profits by people in the music industry. This has a tremendous effect on musicians, songwriters and producers who, therefore, do not get any payment for their work. While illegal downloading might not have a drastic effect on the most popular singers and musicians, it can have a major effect on lesser known musicians, who rely on these sales for their main source of income.

Another negative outcome of downloading music illegally is that it creates a culture of selfishness. This mindset of stealing a song from the Internet without paying for it could be transferred to other situations as well and become socially acceptable. For instance, you may think that cutting in line when entering an event is not so terrible. Nevertheless, such behavior can have a harmful effect on society because it allows selfishness to be normal.

In conclusion, illegally downloading music has a negative impact in multiple areas. It might be hard to understand the impact, but the truth is it can definitely harm musicians, as well as society in general. It has now become highly necessary to protect music copyrights. We need stricter rules and actions so as to prevent, or at least minimize, this ugly phenomenon.

A. What is the writer's thesis statement?

A CAUTION Know your thesis.


B. How is the essay organized? Tick the correct answer.

Many causes leading to one effect YES / NO

One cause leading to many effects YES / NO

Many causes leading to many effects YES / NO

C. What is the cause that the writer mentions in the model essay?

D. What are the effects that the writer describes?

E. Write one detail that strongly supports the thesis statement

F. What useful language is used to introduce the negative effects of illegal downloading?

G. WHAT could be the effect of stricter laws and heavier fines for downloading music?


H. illegal downloading of Apps is also an unethical phenomenon. Write a cause and effect essay about this topic.

Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 157-162).

Decide on your thesis statement.

Brainstorm for as many causes and effects as you can.

Create a flow chart to help you plan your essay.

Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --


Final Practice

Task 1

Most parents would probably be troubled if their youngster announced that he/she intended to drop out of high school. In today's job market, not having a college degree can be a roadblock to many careers.

Write a cause and effect essay about The Effects of Dropping out of High School.

Topic: --


Task 2

Fighting among siblings is part of the sibling relationship. Write a cause and effect essay about The Causes of Fighting among Siblings.

Topic: --



Below are cause and effect quotes. Choose the quote you identify with the most. Explain why you agree with it. Give examples to justify your answer.





CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Do the introduction and thesis statement clearly state the topic?



Do the body paragraphs explain the causes / effects thoroughly?



Do I have enough convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Did I add transition words when moving between causes and effects?



Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Do the introduction and thesis statement clearly state the topic?



Do the body paragraphs explain the causes / effects thoroughly?



Do I have enough convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Did I add transition words when moving between causes and effects?



Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Do the introduction and thesis statement clearly state the topic?



Do the body paragraphs explain the causes / effects thoroughly?



Do I have enough convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Did I add transition words when moving between causes and effects?



Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Do the introduction and thesis statement clearly state the topic?



Do the body paragraphs explain the causes / effects thoroughly?



Do I have enough convincing reasons, facts, and examples?



Did I add transition words when moving between causes and effects?



Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?




(בספר רשימת מילים ופירושים - היעזר במורה).


Unit 6 Informative Essays


In an informative essay you educate the reader on a certain topic by providing information and explanations. The purpose is to inform or persuade.

Guidelines for Writing Informative Essays


You need to know a good deal about your topic and express information in a clear, organized way. Working systematically can help you write a successful essay.

Step 1 Research your topic.

The topic should not be too broad or too narrow. There should be enough information about the topic to write about, but not so much that you cannot present clear, concise information.

The topic should be appropriate and interesting to your audience.

Research your topic. Get information from a variety of sources appropriate to your topic, such as newspapers, the library and the Internet. This is especially important for an informative essay, where you need to report accurate information.

Brainstorm for ideas, using a word map or any other graphic organizer. This will help you put the information you've gathered into relevant groups and see the connection between them.


(בספר תרשים - היעזר במורה).


Step 2 Introductory paragraph - Present your topic.

Plan an introduction with a hook. Grab the reader's attention with a rhetorical question, a quote, an anecdote, a short story, or a surprising statement.

Think about how you want to present your thesis statement, which is typically one or two sentences long. It states the main idea and I or central purpose of a text. It should be in the form of a declarative sentence.

Step 3 Main body - Provide important facts about the various aspects of the topic.

Each paragraph should present one main idea, one aspect of the topic. (For example, if the topic is "My Favorite Pastimes," the body could contain a paragraph for each type of pastime indoor, outdoor, summer and winter.)

Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence, to let readers know what the paragraph is about. Add supporting details that show, explain or prove the topic sentence.

The supporting details are also called "evidence." They may include examples, facts, quotations or further explanations.

Make sure you choose the most important details, and that they are different from one another.

A supporting detail - can be any piece of information that supports the topic:

Examples that show

Facts that explain

Evidence that proves

Step 4 Conclusion - Restate your thesis and sum up the essay.


Writing Process

Before you write Brainstorm for information.

Gather information about the topic from varied sources.

Make sure that the information you have gathered is relevant to the topic of your essay.

Brainstorm for ideas and supporting details. Use a chart or any other graphic organizer to help

you organize the information.

Write a draft - Just write!

Write a first draft of your informative essay.

Decide how to organize your writing. Begin by introducing your topic in the opening paragraph, leading up to your strong and clear thesis statement.

Support your subject with examples and details. Use your lists of supporting information to back up your ideas about the topic you wish to inform your readers about.

Make sure you explain vague terms and / or examples so the readers understand the topic or information.

Use an informative tone. Remember that you are informing the readers with facts and details.

Write a strong conclusion. In your final paragraph, restate your ideas about the topic.

Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation.

After you write your draft - Improve your writing.

Reread your first draft and make sure that:

The introduction and thesis statement state the topic in a strong, interesting way.

Each of the body paragraphs focuses on one aspect of your topic.

The topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph is followed by details (examples, facts, explanations, etc.) that support the topic sentence.

The final I conclusion paragraph restates your ideas about the topic.

You used suitable connectors and linking words and expressions.

You used useful language for writing an informative essay.


End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

Use capital letters for the following: the first person (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week / months of the year, nationalities, etc.

Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its - it's, their - they're, etc.).



Make sure that:

Sentences include a subject and a verb.

Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final essay Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your essay to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your essay. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (see page 231) to help you.

Useful Language

Recent surveys have found that....

A study conducted in ... showed that

It is a well-known fact that....

Some scientists now believe that... .

Some experts think that....

Did you know that... ?

Have you ever wondered why

Have you ever thought about the…?

Can you imagine life without... ?

There are many explanations for the ..

There are two types of....

Most people would agree that…

… is a ... that I where … very common I popular today. the name given to a …

Today, ... is a widespread phenomenon,

It might seem unlikely, but....

The purpose of....

...are considered by many to be…


Look at some example sentences:

Main Idea:

Dependence on technological innovations has made people lazy.

Supporting Detail:

We spend hours sitting with various technological devices and hardly moving our bodies.

Main Idea:

English is an international language and knowing this language is extremely useful.

Supporting Detail:

When you surf the Internet or travel abroad, you often need to use English.

Main Idea:

Modern technology has led to a revolution in communication.

Supporting Detail:

Thanks to modem technology people can chat with one another on live video.

Main Idea:

Sleep plays a vital role in good health and well-being throughout your life.

Supporting Detail:

Sleep supports healthy growth and development.

Main Idea:

Global warming is a major cause of concern.

Supporting Detail:

It is expected to have long-lasting and devastating consequences for planet Earth.

Main Idea:

There are fewer high school dropouts today than there were in the past.

Supporting Detail:

This generation's awareness of the importance of education is one of the reasons for this positive phenomenon.

Main Idea:

New Year's Eve is celebrated by millions of people every year.

Supporting Detail:

The celebrations generally go on past midnight into January 1.


Pre-writing Tasks

A. Write TWO supporting sentences for each of the topic sentences below. Use the Internet or any source of information.


Topic Knowing the English language is essential.

Supporting sentences:

a. If you know English, you can communicate with people from all over the world.

b. Most of the world's books, films, games and music are published in English.

1. Topic sentence: The blue whale is the largest animal on earth.

Supporting sentences:

a. --

b. --

2. Topic sentence: The strongest muscle in the human body is the jaw muscle. Supporting sentences:

a. --

b. --


6. Topic sentence: In Japan, there are more pets than children. Supporting sentences:

a. --

b. --

7. Topic sentence: Donating blood is one of the most significant contributions that a person can make to society.

Supporting sentences:

a. --

b. --

B. Under which heading below can you write each piece of information?

Organ Donation, People Who Have Made a Change in the World, Energy Drinks Inventions That Have Changed History, Popular Tourist Attractions, Customs Important Historical Events, Olympic Games, Guide Dogs


On September 11, 2001, terrorists crashed two hijacked airliners into the World Trade Center and brought down the twin 110-story towers. Important Historical Events

1. Martin Luther King was one of America's most influential civil rights activists. He was famous for leading the American Civil Rights Movement and fighting discrimination against African Americans in the United States. --

2. In Japan, tipping is considered rude and insulting. It will often cause confusion and people will chase after you to give you back your money. --

3. The island of Bora Bora is surrounded by a lagoon and a barrier reef. Snorkeling and scuba diving in and around the lagoon are popular activities. --

4. This act helps people who need a transplant. By doing this, you give someone the gift of life --.

5. The printing press made it possible for billions of people to have access to information. --

6. These beverages contain high dosages of caffeine. Therefore, they can have negative side effects if not consumed responsibly or as directed. High dosages can lead to headaches, restlessness, dizziness and more. --

7. These saviors are trained to lead and to provide mobility to people that are blind or partially sighted. They assist them and enable them to navigate complex environments. --

8. This is an international sporting event in which thousands of athletes from around the world participate in a variety of competitions. It originated in ancient Greece 3,000 years ago and is held every four years. --


C. Choose TEN words from the Unit Glossary (page 232). Write sentences using these words together with phrases from Useful Language (page 202).

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

6. --

7. --

8. --

9. --


Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

One More Drink Won't Hurt, Will It?

“1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3, … drink. Throw them back till I lose count," Sia chants in her hit song "Chandelier", about her struggle with alcohol abuse. Today, it is considered normal and acceptable to drink socially, like the party girl in the song. But overdrinking can be a serious problem because alcohol is a drug and it is addictive.

Alcohol affects your body and your mind. Excessive alcohol can damage your liver and brain, and can put you at risk of a stroke. In addition, it has been found that alcohol is linked to aggression, anxiety and depression.

Moderate drinking can also be dangerous. Although many experts claim that drinking only one glass of wine or beer is harmless, some people are affected even by such amounts. What's more, one glass can easily go on to two, and this presents a risk.

Adults are more responsible than teenagers when it comes to drinking.

Various surveys indicate that adults are more aware of the harmful consequences of alcohol abuse.

There are two common assumptions about alcohol. One, held by young

adults, is that alcohol will help them "loosen up" and have a good time in social situations. The second one, held by older adults, is that alcohol will help them forget their troubles. However, both assumptions have been proven wrong! Researchers have discovered that alcohol does not make things better. On the contrary, it almost always makes things worse!

Overall, it is hard to avoid alcohol nowadays because we are surrounded by it at almost every party or social gathering. Still, unless it is controlled and moderate, alcohol consumption can be injurious to one's health and have numerous negative effects.

A. What is the topic of the essay? How is it presented?

The topic --


Hook your reader

B. Write an alternative opening presentation of the topic.

C. Write the main idea of each body paragraph of the model essay.

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

D. What are the supporting details in the 4th paragraph? Write them below.

E. Your friend has recently started drinking alcohol at parties. What information from the model essay would you use to dissuade him or her from doing this? Explain why.

F. Write an additional main idea about alcohol abuse, one that is NOT mentioned in the model essay.


G. Does the essay inspire you to seek more information about the topic? Explain why or why not.

H. Write a different conclusion for this model essay.

Here are a few techniques for ending your essay:

Use a closing statement, Summarize, Restate main idea

I. Exposure to the sun for tanning is another widespread negative phenomenon. Research the topic and write an informative essay.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 199-203).

- Add useful language for informative essays (see page 202).

- Create a brainstorming map.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic --

Thesis statement --

Main Idea --

Supporting Detail --

Main Idea --

Supporting Detail --

Supporting Detail --

Main Idea --

Supporting Detail --


Topic --

Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

The Sky is the Limit

How many times Have you heard the statement: "All you need is a little bit of ambition?" Well, surveys have found that ambition is indeed the key to success. It is the path to great achievements, both personal and general.

Ambitious people are likely to achieve their goals and fulfill their dreams. If you badly want to achieve something and are willing to do whatever it takes to get there, there is a good chance that you will succeed.

Ambition has no age limit. Studies have found that people are most ambitious when they are young and excited about the future. At a later stage of life, when they have already achieved something, they may be less ambitious, but they never entirely lose that desire.

Young people, even children, should be encouraged to explore and focus on their ambitions. If has been proven that if they follow their hearts' desire, they will love what they do when they grow up. Lionel Messi, for instance, became the best soccer player in the world because of his ambition and dedication to the sport.

Although being ambitious is rewarding, it can sometimes have harmful side effects. For example, ambitious people will often step on whomever they

need to in order to get where they want to go. Additionally, some people are over-ambitious. They never feel satisfied in life and constantly strive for more.

In summary, being ambitious is an important quality that pushes you to work hard in order to reach your goal. Despite the hard work and the great effort you make, it's always worthwhile in the end. There is no greater joy than achieving your ambition!

A. What is the topic of the essay? How is it presented?

The topic

B. What is the thesis statement?


C. What kind of information is used in the model essay to inform the reader?

D. Write the main idea of each body paragraph.

1. --

2. --

3. --

E. What example does the writer give to support the idea that children should be encouraged to follow their ambitions?

F. Based on the information above, would you consider yourself ambitious? Explain and support your answer with at least one example.

G. The essay discusses the importance of being ambitious.

Being optimistic is another important quality. Research the topic and write an informative essay about it. These words may help you:

a positive outlook on life, happiness, positive thinking, health benefits, expect the best, beneficial, hopefulness, vital

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 199-203).

- Add useful language for informative essays (see page 202).

- Create a brainstorming map.

- Write 120-140 words.


Your goal is to spark readers' interest and keep them reading to the end.

Topic: --


Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

A Healthy Body is a Healthy Mind

Have you ever wished that clicking on a mouse or moving the joystick on a remote control counted as physical activity? That is definitely wishful thinking! Physical activity is more than that. It is body movement that works your muscles and requires energy. It is well known that participating in physical activities on a regular basis ensures a good, healthy lifestyle and increases your chances of living longer.

!here are three main types of physical activity: aerobic, muscle- strengthening and bone strengthening. The most popular types of physical exercise are walking, jogging, running, swimming and cycling.

There are different levels of exercise intensity: light, moderate or vigorous.

Most people engage in light-to-moderate intensity activity such as brisk walking, while others do higher intensity exercises such as cardio, kickboxing and dance aerobics.

Researchers have found that being physically active has various health benefits. It reduces the risk of contracting all kinds of diseases, both physical and mental. People who exercise regularly suffer less from heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Additionally, they are calmer and less likely to suffer from depression or anxiety.

Engaging in physical activity helps you look good. When working out you burn calories and strengthen your body. As a result, most people who keep fit look good and younger than their real age.

All in all, there are numerous types of physical activities and they all have health benefits. Partaking in regular physical activity is extremely rewarding, not to mention that it is also enjoyable.

A. What is the thesis statement?

B. What specific details and explanations are used in each of the four body paragraphs to enhance the writer's credibility?


C. Which supporting details in the 4th paragraph make it both informative and interesting?

D. Being physically active is one of the best ways to keep healthy. What other ways of staying healthy are you familiar with?

In order to stay healthy, you should:

1. --

2. --

3. --

In order to stay healthy, you shouldn't:

1. --

2. --

3. --

E. Along with the health benefits, engaging in physical activity entails some risks and sometimes it has negative consequences.

- Suggest TWO possible negative effects of engaging in physical activity.

F. Develop ONE of the statements from exercise E into a short informative paragraph.


Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

4 - Laughter - the Best Medicine?


Can you imagine hearing laughter in the cancer ward of a hospital?

It might seem unlikely, but clowning makes the unlikely possible. Hospital clowning is a program in health care facilities involving clowns cheering up hospitalized children, to help them recover from illness. It has become common in recent years, and today many hospitals worldwide provide such clown care.

The purpose of medical clowning is to improve sick kids' moods and ease their pain. Medical clowns make the kids laugh, thus helping to reduce the stress, anxiety and pain these children experience in hospital. Today, alternative health experts claim that laughter therapy can heal any disease, from a mild fever to cancer.

Medical clowns today are integral members of many hospital medical teams. Like doctors and therapists, they work on set days and regular hours. They assist the staff in various medical procedures, including blood tests, escorting patients to operating rooms, and distracting frightened kids undergoing painful procedures.

Furthermore, medical clowns provide various forms of amusement to raise the children's spirits. Some of them are fun, like balloon sculpting, magic

tricks, joke telling and music. Others are more serious, like helping the kids make up the school work they miss while spending long periods of time in hospital.

Overall, the contribution of medical clowning to the treatment and recovery of sick kids is huge. Using laughter and humor, as well as other clowning skills, medical clowns entertain hospitalized kids and thereby lift their moods and help them recover. Medical clowns prove that laughter really is the best medicine.

A. How is the essay's topic introduced?

B. What is the thesis statement?


C. Write a different introduction suitable to this topic.

D. 1. What is the main idea of the 3rd paragraph?

2. What supporting details does the writer use to strengthen this main idea?

E. Owning a pet is beneficial to both children and adults. Research the topic and write an informative essay. You may use the ideas below:

- Improves quality of life

- Decreases stress

- Lowers blood pressure

- Eases pain

- Promotes exercise

- Lowers cholesterol

- Improves mood

- Helps people socialize

- Improves immunity

- Helps children develop

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 199-203).

- Add useful language for informative essays (see page 202).

- Create a brainstorming map.

- Write 120-140 words.


Your goal is to spark readers' interest and keep them reading to the end.

Topic: --


Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

5 - Pets with a Purpose


Did you know thal some of the best therapists in the world have four paws and a wagging tail? That's why animal assisted therapy is so popular today.

An increasing number of clinicians and therapists use pets to provide assistance and support to children with various disabilities. This kind of therapy has been proven to be very successful and beneficial.

To begin with, therapy animals can improve the social skills of children with special needs. Autistic children, for example, have difficulty connecting with people. Learning to connect with a pet can help them interact better with people and engage in behaviors such as asking questions or responding to other people's questions.

Furthermore, most people would agree that playing or working with a pet immensely improves the emotional health of children with special needs. It gives them satisfaction to have a companion, and this satisfaction makes them happier. Unlike people, a pet won't judge them or their disorder, and this has a calming effect.

Animal assisted therapy can also help build children's confidence and self-esteem. Having a companion that follows them wherever they go and obeys their orders gives them a feeling of success and pride.

In conclusion, children with many types of disabilities can benefit a great deal from animal assisted therapy. Working with these pets gives them companionship, comfort and confidence. They learn to better interact with other human beings, and gain support, as well as joy from playing and/or working with pets.

A. What is the thesis statement?

B. How does the writer develop the thesis? What are the main ideas in the body paragraphs?


C. What details does the writer give to support the idea that pets can help build a child's confidence?

D. Have you or someone you know ever owned a pet? What did you / they gain from the relationship with the pet?

E. Does the essay inspire you to seek more information about the topic? Explain.

F. Music is another therapeutic strategy. Research the topic

and write an informative essay about music therapy.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 199-203).

- Add useful language for informative essays (see page 202).

- Create a brainstorming map.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic --

Main Idea --

Supporting Detail --

Thesis statement --

Supporting Detail

Main Idea --


Topic: --


Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow.

6 - Escape Room Games


Are you looking for a fun night out with friends or family? An escape room game might be just the thing for you! It is an interactive adventure game in which a group of players is locked in a room and has to solve a series of puzzles and clues within one hour in order to make their way out of the room. Escape room games have many features that not only make them fun and challenging, but also encourage team work.

To begin with, the puzzles in escape rooms arouse curiosity and inspire creativity. No special skill or knowledge is required. You just have to be curious and creative, and use clues that are placed around the room to help you escape. Using your intuition and imagination might help, too.

Another winning feature of escape rooms is that almost all games build suspense. Each escape room has a different theme and difficulty level.

The higher the level of difficulty, the more thrilling the game gets, as players race against the clock to solve even more difficult puzzles in their attempt to escape from the room before their time runs out.

Lastly, escape rooms make for a wonderful team-building activity. They are designed for intense cooperation. The group members have to work together to solve the puzzles and the clues. Throughout the game they talk to each other, share clues they uncover and make progress as a team.

Overall, escape room games offer a fully interactive experience. They are fun, entertaining and a wonderful team-building activity. Give them a try!

A. What strategy does the writer use to grab the reader's attention?

B. Write a different suitable introduction.


C. Write at least THREE informative statements from the essay.

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

D. 1. What is the main idea of the 4th paragraph?

2. What supporting details does the writer use to strengthen this main idea?

E. What new pieces of information did you learn from the model essay?

F. Many people claim that escape room games are a great form of recreation for young people. Do you agree? What are the advantages or disadvantages of spending time together in this way, compared to other forms of recreation?


Camp games also offer an interactive and team-building experience. Research the topic and write an informative essay about camp games.

- Use the model essay and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 199-203).

- Add useful language for informative essays (see page 202).

- Create a brainstorming map.

- Write 120-140 words.

Topic: --


Read the model informative essay and complete the writing tasks that follow

7 - Private Schools


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela. And when it comes to providing a good education, private schools are considered by many to be the best choice.

Private schools are independent schools that are established, maintained and supported by private organizations or individuals. Unlike public schools, private schools are not administered by governments. There are several factors that help make these schools outstanding.

Small classes and highly qualified, dedicated teachers are typical features of private schools. As a result, these schools can give more attention to individual students and can help improve their weak areas and advance their strengths.

Another characteristic of private schools is that they provide a wide variety of challenging educational experiences. Students participate in many various extracurricular activities, such as sports, music, drama and arts. In addition, students are trained in social skills that build their confidence and prepare them for real-life situations.

Researchers have found that students who attend private schools perform

significantly better in national exams than students who attend public schools. They concluded that the competitive nature and unique approach of private schools give their students the benefit of two extra years of schooling.

Private schools are expensive, because they depend on tuition fees and gifts, unlike public schools, which are financed primarily by the government. However, those who have the opportunity to attend a private school will benefit from a supportive environment that builds independence, teaches useful skills and develops the whole child.

A. What features of informative essays can you identify in the essay?

B. Write the characteristic features of private schools the writer uses in the essay.


C. Now that you are informed about the nature and characteristics of private schools, would you choose to study in such a school if given the chance? Explain why / why not.

D. Look up information about boarding schools. Research the topic and write an informative essay.

- Use the model essay to help you.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 199-20.3).

- Add useful language for informative essays (see page 202).

- Create a brainstorming map.

- Write 120-140 words.


Topic: --


Final Practice


Task 1

Write an informative essay about the life of an average Israeli teen. In your essay, include facts about Israeli teens' hobbies, entertainment habits, leisure time activities or any other characteristic of Israeli youth.

Topic: --


Final Task


Task 2

Write an informative essay about your school. Inform the reader about the school's rules, punitive measures, unique characteristics and special features.

Topic: --



Below are quotes about writing. Choose the quote you identify with the most. Explain why you agree with it. Give examples to justify your answer.



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Does my essay start with a hook to draw the reader's attention?



Did I write a clear and strong thesis statement in the introduction paragraph?



Did I write at least 5 paragraphs - an introduction, 3 body paragraphs with different details supporting my thesis, and a conclusion?



Did I provide at least 2 facts to support the thesis statement?



Did I write a conclusion that restates the thesis in a different way?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Does my essay start with a hook to draw the reader's attention?



Did I write a clear and strong thesis statement in the introduction paragraph?



Did I write at least 5 paragraphs - an introduction, 3 body paragraphs with different details supporting my thesis, and a conclusion?



Did I provide at least 2 facts to support the thesis statement?



Did I write a conclusion that restates the thesis in a different way?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Does my essay start with a hook to draw the reader's attention?



Did I write a clear and strong thesis statement in the introduction paragraph?



Did I write at least 5 paragraphs - an introduction, 3 body paragraphs with different details supporting my thesis, and a conclusion?



Did I provide at least 2 facts to support the thesis statement?



Did I write a conclusion that restates the thesis in a different way?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Writing a Cause and Effect Essay



Does my essay start with a hook to draw the reader's attention?



Did I write a clear and strong thesis statement in the introduction paragraph?



Did I write at least 5 paragraphs - an introduction, 3 body paragraphs with different details supporting my thesis, and a conclusion?



Did I provide at least 2 facts to support the thesis statement?



Did I write a conclusion that restates the thesis in a different way?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?




(בספר רשימה של מילים ופירושן - היעזר במורה)


Unit 7 Informal Letters / Emails


Sn an informal letter / email, you address someone you are familiar with, such as a friend or relative. People write these letters or messages for many reasons, among them: to share news; to apologize; to invite; to request; to thank; to congratulate; to wish good luck; to make suggestions and recommendations; or simply to keep in touch.

Guidelines for Writing Informal Letters / Emails


There are various ways of writing the date:

- 10th December, 20.16 I December 10th, 20.16

- 10 December, 20.161 December 10, 20.16

-12.10.16 (in Europe) / (in the U.S)

Example phrases

Informal Greeting Dear (first name only of friend / relative)

Hi (first name only of friend / relative)

Introduction - How are you? I'm fine.

- I hope you're well.

- Thanks for your letter.

- I have some good news.

- I'm sorry I haven't written 1 haven't been in touch for such a long time.

- It's been ages since I heard from you.

Body Paragraph 1 - The reasons for your writing

- I'm writing to let you know about...

- I thought I'd write and ask you to...

- I thought you might like to hear that...

' - Paragraph 2 - Continue writing and add details.

Paragraph 3 - Add more details if you have any.

Ending - Well, that's all for now.

- I hope to hear from you soon.

- Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

- I can't wait to hear from you.

- Talk to you soon.


Informal Closing - Best regards,

- Best wishes,

- All the best,

- Take care,

- Yours always,

- Lots of love,

- Love,

- Yours,

Signature Writer's first name only

Use an informal style, casual words.

Use the first and second person pronouns frequently. Use contractions, such as 'I've, 'I'd and 'I'm.

Avoid using abbreviations like 'luv' or 'bcuz'.

Don't use acronyms like 'LOL' or 'OMG'.

Don't use emoticons

The main differences between emails and letters

In emails

You write the email address on the "To" line.

You can tell the reader what your email is about on the subject line.

♦ You don't need to write the date.

o You can send the text you're writing to other people. You just click on the "Cc" abbreviation and add their email address on the "Cc" line.

Writing Process

Before You Write Plan your letter.

Ask yourself:

Why am I writing this letter?

Who is my audience?

Write notes to help you include everything you want to convey. Brainstorm for as much information as you can about your message.

Write a draft Just write!

Write a first draft of your informal letter / email.

Decide how to organize your writing - What is the order of the things I events you wish to write about?


Follow the guidelines of informal writing. Use the lists of example phrases suitable for each section of a letter I email.

Use an informal tone. Remember that you are addressing a friend or a close relative.

Write a suitable closing.

Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation at this stage.

First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written!

After you write your draft Improve your writing.

Reread your draft carefully to find ways to improve on your writing. Here are some questions to ask yourself.

Does the opening include a suitable introductory phrase?

Do the body paragraphs describe the message I am trying to convey?

Does the closing paragraph include an informal closure?

Did I use informal sentence connectors? (see page 237)


End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

Use capital letters for the following: the first person (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week / months of the year, nationalities, etc.

Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its - it's, their - they're, etc.).


Make sure that:

Sentences include a subject and a verb.

Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final draft Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your letter to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your letter. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 255) to help you.


More Example Phrases for Opening

Referring to news / Informing

- Great news about ...I Glad to hear that ...I Sorry to hear about...

- I was truly sorry to hear that...

- This is just to let you know that...

- I thought you might be interested to hear about I know that...

- You won't believe I You'll never guess what happened to me!


- I'm writing to apologize for missing your birthday party. I couldn't come because I was sick.

- I'm really sorry I forgot to wish you a happy birthday. I was so busy moving to the new house that I lost track of time.


- I'm I We're having a party on Saturday 5th and 11 we hope you'll be able to come.

- / was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies I come on a camping trip with us.

- Could you let me I us know if you can come /you'd like to join us?

- Thank you for asking I inviting me to... but I'm afraid I won't be able to ...


- I'm writing to ask for your help / a favor.

I wonder if 11 was wondering if you could help me / do me a favor.

I hope you don't mind me asking, but could you (possibly)...?

I'd be very I really I terribly grateful if you could ...

Thanking / Congratulating / Wishing good luck

- I'm writing to thank you for your hospitality I the wonderful present.

- I really appreciate all your help / advice.

- Congratulations on passing your exams I your excellent exam results!

- I wish you good luck I Good luck with your exams I driving test I interview.

Making suggestions and recommendations

Why don't you ...?I Maybe you could...? / How about...?

- You can't leave the country without stopping by...

- I'm sure you'll enjoy staying with us. If you like, we can ...

- I was wondering if we could meet sometime next week.


More Example Phrases for Closing

Give a reason for ending the letter:

- Anyway, I must go and get on with my work!

- I guess it's time I got on with that studying I've been avoiding.

- I'd better sign off now - I promised my mom I'd help her with dinner.

Send greetings and / or make reference to future contact:

- Give my love to ...

- Regards to...

- Say hello to ...

- We must try and get together soon.

- I can't wait to hear from you.

- Looking forward to seeing you again.

- Hope to hear from you soon. I See you soon. I Write soon!

Closing statement - should be written on a new line.

- Love,

- Lots of love,

- All the best,

- Take care,

Signing off: Your first name then follows on another new line.

For informal writing, you need to use some of the connectors and linking expressions that are more specific to spoken language:

To introduce a topic:

- Well, you'll never guess who I bumped into ...

- By the way, did you know that...?

To go back to a previous topic:

- Any way, as I was saying earlier...

- Oh yes, I nearly forgot, ...

To introduce surprising or bad news:

- Actually I Believe it or not, he came to the party after all.

- To tell you the truth, I don't really like ...

To summarize what you've already said:

- Anyway, I had a really nice time ...

- Well to cut a long story short, I...


Pre-writing Tasks

Complete the missing phrases and expressions in the informal letter below. Use the word bank.

I can't wait to - What about you - doing well - for such a long time - I'm so glad you'd be surprised - that's all for now - Can you believe it - Lots of love write back soon - I'm sure you are - Wish you could be here It was so nice of you - send my regards to

Dear Adam,


How are you?

I hope you are (1) .--

I'm sorry I haven't been in touch (2). -- I was very busy

with my final exams and the rehearsals for the end-of-year party. It's taken so much of my time and I'm literally worn out. Plus, I have a new hobby that's keeping me busy. I've started TRX workouts. It's special training for muscle building.

(3) ? Me? Training so hard? Wel (4) ,--

and I actually enjoy it! I (5) -- to do it with me.

By the way, thank you for the chocolates you sent me for my birthday last week.

I (6) -- They were divine! (7) --? How have

you been lately? Is everything going well with you? Are you still making progress with your bodybuilding program? (8) --!

I miss you so much! (9) -- see you in the summer. I'm already

counting the days. (10) -- that you made the decision to come. I

know we'll have the best summer ever!

Well, (11) --. I need to go to my evening shift at McDonalds.

Please (12) -- and (13) -- your family.

(14) --.



B. Read the following excerpts.

1. Decide which part of the letter each excerpt belongs to:

Informal Greeting, Informal Closing, Introduction Ending, Body, Signature.

2. Then put them in the correct order to form a complete letter.

I'm writing to you to tell you what's going on with me (--).

However, I had a problem with Chemistry. I didn't pass the Chemistry course. Can you believe it? I've always been able to get As in science (--)

What do you think of my situation? Do you have any advice? (--)

Please write back soon! (--)

I'm so frustrated. This one subject shouldn't dictate my future. I don't want to give up on my dream of becoming a doctor so soon. (--)

The worst part is that Chemistry is one of the benchmarks and it's very critical to pass it. If you don't pass the class in Chemistry in the first year, you can't take it in the second year and you have to leave the program. That would be such a bummer! (--)

Barbara (--)

So I re-took Chemistry this past semester, thinking that I'd be able to pass. However, even with all my extra studying, I still couldn't pass the second test (--).

Yours always (--).

Dear Sally (--).

How is my favorite cousin? (--)

As you know, my dream is to become a neurosurgeon and to work at a top hospital. That's why I enrolled in the pre-medical program here at school and took extra science and math classes to prepare me for a career in the medical industry. (--)


C. Rewrite the complete letter in (B) in the correct order.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 233-237).


D. Choose TEN words from the Unit Glossary (page 256). Write sentences using these words together with phrases from Useful Language (pages 236-237).

1. --

2. --

3. --

4. --

5. --

6. --

7. --

8. --

9. --

10. --


Read the model informal letter and complete the writing tasks that follow.

1 - A Letter from Camp


August 8, 20.16

Dear Mom,

How are you? I hope all is well.

I'm sorry I haven't written for so long, but I've been really busy. And, as you know, we're not allowed to use our cellphones. Anyways, I want to tell you all about these past two weeks at

summer camp.

Remember how worried and anxious I was before going to camp?

Well, there was no reason to worry. I'm having so much fun!!! I've made loads of new friends here and am busy having fun. There are so many different activities to choose from that I often have a hard time deciding which ones to pick.

Every morning, I wake up and go to breakfast with my friends in the dining hall. We usually have cereal, eggs, toast, and orange juice. After breakfast, we have our first activity. Some days I go swimming; other days I do archery. The second activity is always art. A couple days a week I paint, and the other days I go to pottery class. Then, we have lunch. After lunch, we have to do a sport, so, as you can guess, I always play netball. Usually, after playing sports we have a bit of free time, so I try to nap. Then, we have dinner. After dinner, we have a closing activity with everyone in the camp, including the counselors. The closing activities always include dancing. I've never danced so much in my entire life!

It's been so much fun till now, and I know I'll have a great time the rest of the month!

Thanks for sending me to camp; it's an awesome experience!Well, I was totally wrong! It isn't that hard to be without it when you're having fun.

Well, that's all for now.

Remember how skeptical I was about having fun without my cell?

I miss you all!

Tell Dad and Nathan that I love them.




A. What phrases does the writer use to open and close her letter?

B. Which contractions does she use to express informal language?

C. What information does she add immediately after the opening greeting?

D. Write a reply letter to the model letter. Include responses to the questions that the writer asked.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 233-237) and the model letter to help you.

Remember, you are Kim's mother, answering Kim's letter. Open with an informal greeting.

Refer to Kim's email.

Start a new paragraph as the topic changes slightly.

Use informal linking words or phrases (see pages 236-237). When you wish to close, give a reason for needing to finish. Make sure you end with an informal closing.

Write 120-140 words.




E. Your best friend, who went to a teen leadership camp, has written to you to complain that she finds the compulsory program activities very exhausting.

Write a reply to her / him and explain the benefits of these compulsory activities.

You may include these ideas in your letter.

help you become a better person

instill discipline

learn important values


respect for others

develop leadership skills

learn to organize activities

take part in competitions

Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 233-237).

Write 120-140 words.


Read the model informal email and complete the writing tasks that follow.

2 - Informal Email - Giving Advice


Subject: Your invitation

Hi there, Mia!

It was so good to hear from you. Thanks for the invitation to come and stay with you. I can't wait to see you again. I hope you and your family are doing well. I'm pretty good even though I've had to study hard lately for my final exams. Anyway, the reason I'm writing is to get some advice and ask you a few questions about some stuff.

First of all, I'll be staying at your parents' place during my stay, so I was wondering what present I could get for your parents. What do you suggest? I was thinking of a book about my country. Do you think that's a good idea?

Also, what kind of activities do you think we'll be doing? It'd be handy to know, so I can bring the right clothes along with me. I know it'll be cold, so should I bring my snowboarding gear?

One more thing - I hate to be a nuisance, but I hope you remember I'm allergic to dairy food. It won't be a problem, will it?

Anyway, give my regards to your family and I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Take care,


A. What is the purpose of the above email?

B. What informal phrases does the writer use in the greeting and closing?

C. What other informal language does the writer use in his email?


D. Which contractions does the writer use to express informal language?

E. Below is part of an email you have received from a friend who is planning to visit your home town for a short stay.

"What a pity you won't be around when we arrive. Anyway, we'll only be there for one day and I was wondering whether you could recommend a couple of local restaurants. Something that caters for families would be great ...we eat anything!"

Write a reply email to your friend recommending some local restaurants.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 233-237)

From --

Send --

TO --

Cc: --

Subject --:



Below is part of an email you have received from your sister's friend.

- Write a reply email.

Use the Writing Guidelines (see page 233-237).

I heard you are organizing a surprise birthday party for your sister, who as you know, happens to be my best friend! I'd love to hear about it. What kind of party are you organizing? Who are you planning to invite? Can I help you? I would love to take part in the preparations.

Please let me know.

Love, Jean

From --

To --

Cc: --

Subject --:


Read the model informal letter and complete the writing tasks that follow.

3 - A Letter about a Concert


January 24, 20.16

Dear Loren,

Hi! How is everything going?

I thought you might like to hear about the concert I went to last night. It was the best concert ever!

Remember I told you about that new Israeli band - "The Zombies"? Well, after seeing and hearing them last night, I can tell you that they're even more talented than I imagined.

Well, if you ask me, it doesn't come close to last night's concert. The Zombies concert was

Do you remember the Sia concert we went to last summer?

simply spectacular.

Have you ever been to the new cultural center in Tel Aviv?

The concert was held there. It was really neat to be in such an impressive place! In the invitation, the organizers said to come early because seating was limited, so my friends and I showed up at 20:30 for the 21:00 show. But when we got there, it was already packed! We had to go all the way back to the last row of the auditorium. Luckily, we were able to sit in the center, which had a good view of the stage.

When the band came on stage, the audience went wild and cheered. When things quietened down, the group played 10 different songs. Some of them are very popular on the radio, but they also played one new song at the end of the show. The songs were upbeat and their catchy melodies had us all singing along. It was really awesome! I had such a great time at the concert!

I wish you could have been there with me! Well that's all for now. I'll keep you updated.

Lots of love,



A. Use the model informal letter to write a reply. Add your own experience (real or made up) about a concert, a performance or a show you enjoyed, live or on TV. Include responses to the questions marked in the letter above.

- Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 233-237).



B. A relative of yours has asked to borrow an item from you. Write to your relative to tell him / her that you haven't got the item he / she wants from you at the moment. Prepare your reply by using the questions below. The information can be real or imaginary.

Use the questions below to write your informal email.

- Who is your relative?

- What item does he/she want from you?

- Why are you not able to give your relative this item at the moment?

- When can you give your relative the item?

- Are you going to promise any action, give additional information, offer help, or simply say that you will tell the person when you can give him/her the item?

Use the Writing Guidelines (see pages 233-237).

From --

To --

Cc: --

Subject: --



Final Practice


Task 1

An English-speaking friend / relative wants to spend a two-week holiday in your country and has written asking for information and advice.

Write a letter to that person. In your letter:

Offer to find a place to stay.

- Give advice about what kind of things he/she can do here.

- Give information about what clothes to bring.



Task 2

You borrowed an important textbook from a classmate last term and you can't find it. You now realize your classmate has gone overseas for the summer and you think he / she needs the book.

Write an email to him / her. In your email:

- Apologize for losing the book.

- Find out how important the book is to him I her.

- Say what you will do.

From --

To --

Cc: --

Subject: --




Below are quotes about the importance of writing letters, as opposed to emails. Choose ONE quote and explain why you agree / disagree with it. Give examples to justify your answer.

Letters are something from you.

It's a different kind of intention than writing an email.

- Keanu Reeves

Alongside my 'no email' policy, I resolve to make better use of the wonderful Royal Mail, and send letters and postcards to people. There is a huge pleasure in writing a letter, putting it in an envelope and sticking the stamp on it. And huge pleasure in receiving real letters, too.

- Tom Hodgkinson




CHECKLIST Informal Letter / Email Checklist




Did I give a reason for writing the letter I email?



Did I include all parts of an informal letter I email?



Did I include useful language that matches the content of the letter I email? Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs in a logical order?



Did I finish the letter in a natural way?



Did I use an informal tone?

Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Informal Letter / Email Checklist




Did I give a reason for writing the letter I email?



Did I include all parts of an informal letter I email?



Did I include useful language that matches the content of the letter I email? Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs in a logical order?



Did I finish the letter in a natural way?



Did I use an informal tone?

Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Informal Letter / Email Checklist




Did I give a reason for writing the letter I email?



Did I include all parts of an informal letter I email?



Did I include useful language that matches the content of the letter I email? Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs in a logical order?



Did I finish the letter in a natural way?



Did I use an informal tone?

Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Informal Letter / Email Checklist



Did I give a reason for writing the letter I email?



Did I include all parts of an informal letter I email?



Did I include useful language that matches the content of the letter I email? Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs in a logical order?



Did I finish the letter in a natural way?



Did I use an informal tone?

Did I add signal words to indicate the certainty of my statements and level of importance?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?




(בספר רשימת מילים ופירושן - היעזר במורה).


Unit 8 Formal Letters


Sn a formal letter, you address the reader regarding a serious issue (a recommendation, an application, a complaint, a request for information, etc.). It is written in formal language and usually requires an action from the reader.

Guidelines for Writing Formal Letters


Your name: Dan Weiser

Your address: 789 Center Street Town, zip code

Date: June 9, 20.16

The recipient's name, title and address

Mrs. Jonas

Customer Service Manager

123 Main Street


Zip code

Formal Greeting / Salutation: Formal name of recipient - Prefix Dear Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. (when you know who the person is). Dear Sir or Madam To Whom It May Concern (when you don't know who the person is)

Opening paragraph: Explain why you are writing the letter. Be clear and to the point.

Body: Paragraph 1 - Clearly state the points that you want to make.

Paragraph 2 - Continue writing and add details or facts.

Paragraph 3 - Add more details if necessary.

Ending: Repeat the main point and explain what response you expect, or what action you would like the recipient to take.


Formal Closing / Final salutions

- Yours sincerely,

- Yours faithfully,

- Sincerely yours,

- Looking forward to your reply,

- Thanking you in advance,

- Warm regards,

- Respectfully yours,

- Best wishes,

- All the best,


Your signature

Your first and last name

It is very important for your letter to have the desired effect on the reader. In order to achieve this, it should be:

in the correct format


short and to the point



polite, even if you are complaining

well presented

free of any grammar or spelling mistakes


Writing Process

Before You Write Plan your letter.

Ask yourself:

Why am I writing this letter?

Who is my audience?

What response do I want?

Write notes to help you include everything you want to convey.

Write a draft Just write!

Write a first draft of your formal letter.

Decide how to organize your writing - What is the order of the things /events you wish to write about?

Follow the guidelines of formal writing. Use the lists of example phrases suitable for each section of a letter / email.

Use a formal tone. Remember that you are addressing an official.

Write a suitable closing.

Revise very little and keep writing. Don't worry about grammar, spelling or punctuation at this stage.

First drafts don't have to be perfect. They just have to be written!

After you write your draft Improve your writing.

After completing your draft, read it again carefully to find ways to improve on your writing.

Ask yourself:

Is my letter well-structured and organized?

Is my letter clean, neat and error free?

Do the formal greeting and closing follow the writing guidelines?

Do the body paragraphs describe the message I am trying to convey?

Did I use formal language and an objective tone?

Did I include all the necessary details and avoid unnecessary ones?

Is my letter relevant, concise and to the point?

Is my letter persuasive?



End your sentences with the appropriate punctuation mark: period (.), question mark (?) or exclamation point (!).

Use a comma (,) after connectors and to separate words, phrases and sentences.

Use capital letters for the following: the first person (!), to begin a sentence, names of places and people, days of the week I months of the year, nationalities, etc.

Check for spelling mistakes (especially for commonly confused words like your -you're, its - it's, their - they're, etc.).

Grammar Make sure that:

Sentences include a subject and a verb.

Subjects and verbs agree in number (singular subject - singular verb, plural subject - plural verb).

Verb tenses are used correctly.

Write the final draft Finalize your writing.

Take a final look at your formal letter to make sure you have completed the task correctly. Then write a final draft of your letter. Use the checklist at the end of the unit (page 282) to help you.

In this unit you will become familiar with useful language for letters of complaint, and letters of application, in separate mini-units.


Pre-writing Tasks

A. Fill in the missing words in the following formal letters. Use the bank.

contribution - Sincerely yours - free of charge - candidacy - natural ability disappointed - To Whom It May Concern - communicator - possess appreciate - am entitled to - However - What's more

Dan Refaeli 11 Weitzman St. Tel-Aviv, 585858 Israel

February 22, 20.17

Oragon Company

23 Hageshem St.

Beer Sheva, 338383


(1) --

I would like to express my strong dissatisfaction with a product I purchased from your company. On January 20, I purchased a new set of speakers for my computer from the Oragon website. Your website stated that the order included two speakers. There was also a photo attached, showing a package containing two speakers.

(2) -- when I opened the package that was sent to me, I was amazed

to find that the box contained only one speaker, the right-hand one. Both the ad and the

photo were misleading! (3) -- I paid for one-day delivery but the

package arrived after three days. This whole experience has been far from pleasant. I am extremely (4) -- in your company and am seriously debating ever

trusting this website again.

I am going to return the speaker and I believe I (5) -- receive a new set of speakers. Please send them immediately, (6) -- (7) --,

Dan Refaeli


Eran Garziani 13 Sheftel St.

Rishon Le Zion, 575757 Israel

December 12, 20.16

Mrs. Eti Winkler School principal, Aviv HS 6 Brener St.

Rishon Le Zion, 533534 Israel

Dear Mrs. Winkler,

I am writing to declare my (8) -- for membership in the school council. I understand the role and responsibilities required, and I believe I (9) -- the skills and the (10) -- to fulfill this role successfully. I work well with a team and am always open to the opinions of others. Moreover, I am a good (11) .--

I am also good at planning and organizing activities, and am eager to initiate interesting activities to improve student life at school.

I am sure that as a member of the student council I will make a valuable (12) -- to the school.

I would (13) -- your support for my candidacy.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Very truly yours,

Eran Garziani


B. Complete the sentences with the words below.

consider - refund - high-quality - look forward to apply for - In response to - available - apology - qualifications

1. I wish to -- the position of Judo Trainer, which you advertised in Teens Sports Magazine, on June 8.1 have three years' experience as a judo trainer and am passionate about training young adolescents and helping them reach their full potential in judo.

2. I believe I have the proper skills for the job. I work well both independently and as part of a team.

I also work well under pressure. I hope you will -- my application favorably.

3. I believe I have the -- to successfully fulfill your requirements. I have attached a copy of my resume, which provides further information about my background and experience.

4. Joanna is an excellent employee. She consistently produces --work. Additionally, she can always be relied on to complete her assignments and keep commitments.

5. I am -- for an interview at your earliest convenience. I can be reached at052-672345 . Please don't hesitate to contact me.

6. I therefore demand that you give me a full -- for my purchase, as well as a letter of -- for the inconvenience caused to me.

7. -- your advertisement of June 23 in Hashalom, I would like to apply for the position

of life guard at your club.

8. I would like to express my interest in working with you. I am including the list of references for you to contact regarding my application. I -- hearing from you soon.


Letter of Complaint

This type of formal letter is written when you want to submit a complaint to an authority, such as a government office or a business. In it you complain about a product or service.


Opening paragraph - You state the purpose of the letter. You clearly state why you are writing the letter and what your exact complaint is.

Body of the letter - You give all the details of the complaint.

Closing - You state your expectation very clearly - what action is desired.

Useful Language


- Z am writing to complain about...

- I wish to complain about...

- I feel I must complain to you about...

- I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with …

- I wish to express my disappointment at I with …

- I am writing to express my utter dismay at the …


- The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is …

- I realized that this was not what I had ordered.

- To my disappointment, the product was …

- It is a serious problem for us. It makes our... very unpleasant.

- This matter has caused me unnecessary inconvenience.


- I hope the matter will be resolved.

- I look forward to your reply and hope that this matter can be resolved quickly.

- Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

- I feel I believe I am entitled to compensation.

- I look forward to receiving an explanation.

- We really hope you can help us solve this problem.


Look at some example sentences of useful language:


I am writing to complain about a purchase I made in your online store, order (סולמית)2345765.

I wish to complain about a delay in an order I made for tennis equipment.

I wish to complain in the strongest possible terms about the disgraceful behavior of one of your taxi drivers.

I am writing to express my utter dismay at the appalling customer service at your cafe.

I am writing to complain about the unacceptable treatment that I received at your office.


To my disappointment, half the screen has thick white lines going through it.

To my astonishment, one of the security guards at the club acted very rudely towards me.

The customer service was disgraceful.

We were surprised to find that the hotel does not cater to the needs of disabled guests.

The final point I want to make concerns the service.


I would appreciate your exchanging this watch for the one I ordered as soon as possible.

I demand a full refund for the damaged CD.

I believe I am entitled to compensation for the delayed flight.

I would like to claim full compensation.


Read the model formal letter and complete the writing tasks that follow.

Complaint Letter

Noga Adini 15 Nachmani St.

Tel Aviv, 554444 Israel

February 19, 20.13

Bed and Bath Inc.

Dizengoff Center

Tel Aviv, 332222


To Whom It May Concern,

Last Thursday, I went to your Bed and Bath store in Tel Aviv and ordered a new comforter for the bed in my guest room. When I ordered the comforter, the salesperson told me that it would be delivered by this Wednesday. However, it has been two weeks since then and I still have not received it. I am very disappointed that it was not delivered, because now I have to purchase another comforter at a different store. This is very inconvenient, especially since I already made the purchase at Bed and Bath. I no longer want the comforter from your company and I expect a full refund.


Noga Adini

A. What typical features of a complaint letter does the above letter contain?


B. Why doesn't the recipient's title appear?

C. Is the letter concise and factual? Explain.

D. In your own words, explain what the complaint is about and whether you find it justified.

E. You bought a pair of jeans, and after just one wash the color faded. Write a letter of complaint expressing your dissatisfaction and stating what you would like to be done about the matter.

keep in mind

- Use the model letter and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 257-260).

- Open with a formal greeting.

- Clearly state the purpose of the letter.

- Write what your exact complaint is.

- Give all the details of the complaint.

- State your expectation clearly.

- Make sure you finish with a formal closing.

- Write 120-140 words.




Read the model formal letter and complete the writing tasks that follow.

2 - Complaint Letter


Dolev Argamann

15 Zemer St.

Jerusalem, 544444 Israel

June 11, 20.16

Mr. Almog Halfon

26 Timna St.

Hod Hasharon, 657755


Dear Mr. Halfon,

I would like to file a formal complaint against your establishment.

Last month, I saw an impressive advertisement for City Gym on T.V, and I decided to take out a membership. Your commercial featured a redesigned facility with over a hundred different workout machines.

It also mentioned that members would have free access to five private sessions with a personal trainer.

In reality, my experience at your gym was miserable.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into City Gym was the lack of cleanliness. It certainly did not appear as though it had recently been redesigned. I will admit that there were about 100 various machines to use, but nearly half of them were broken or needed major repairs. As for the personal trainers that you promised, not only was there not a single trainer in sight, but also I was told that the next available training session was 6 weeks away. What kind of service is that?

As you can imagine, I was incredibly disappointed with my experience at your gym, and am therefore demanding a refund. My complaint is not about your establishment being substandard, but rather about your false advertising. Your commercial makes numerous false promises and I demand that you change it, to show a more realistic representation of your gym.


Dolev Argamann


A. How does the writer begin and end his letter of complaint?

B. The person who wrote the letter demands a full refund. Do you think he deserves one? Explain. Base your answer on his arguments.

C. Imagine that you are the owner of the gym. Write his response letter.

- Use the model letter and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 257-260).


Job Application Letter

This type of formal letter is written when applying for a job.


The opening paragraph - You write appropriate opening remarks. You specify the position you are applying for. You state where you were informed about the position and why you would like to apply for it. The body of the letter - You give personal details: your age, skills and qualifications, and express your interest and suitability for the job. You state what you have to offer the employer.

The closing - You thank the employer for his or her time in reviewing your application. You repeat that you are suitable for the position and state that you look forward to a favorable reply. You attach your CV or resume and provide contact details to support your application.

Useful Language


I am writing to apply for the position of... which was advertised in …

- I am interested in the job posted on your company website.

- I am writing to enquire about...

- I am writing in response to your advertisement.

- I wish to apply for the post of... which you advertised in ... on …

- I am applying for the position which I saw advertised on your website.

- I would like to apply for a job at your …

- I would like to present my resume for your review and consideration.


- I strongly believe that I have excellent qualifications for the position.

- My strengths are…

- I believe that I have the necessary credentials for this role.

- My area of expertise is…

- My previous experience includes…

- My qualifications include…

- I have considerable experience working as a…

- For the last ...I have been working as …


- I was formerly employed as...

- I believe my experience is an ideal match for this position.


- I enclose further details regarding my education and qualifications to date.

- My resume is enclosed for your review.

- I am attaching my CV for your consideration.

- I would be grateful I very thankful if you sent me more information about the job.

- Thank you for considering my application.

- I hope you will consider my application favorably I positively.

- I am available for an interview at your convenience.

- Should you need any other information, please contact me.

- I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Look at some example sentences of useful language:


I am writing to express my interest in the teaching assistant position advertised in Education Magazine.

I am writing to apply for the shop assistant position posted on your company website.

This letter is in response to your advertisement for a writer / editor at The Teen Post.

I would like to submit my application for the writing contest.

I am interested in applying for the position of summer camp instructor that was listed in Teen Job Offers.


I have several years of tutoring experience in a variety of subjects, including French.

My computer skills make me an ideal candidate for this job.

I have extensive training in operating a variety of computer programs and systems.


My previous job as a waitress has prepared me well for this position.

I have expertise in photo and video editing.

Through captaining the school football team, I have learned important leadership skills.


I would be happy to provide additional information in a personal interview.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications more fully in an interview.

Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information.

I do appreciate your taking time to review my application letter.

My resume is attached. I would be happy to provide you with any further information regarding my qualifications and background.


Read the model formal letter and complete the writing tasks that follow.

1 - Letter of Application


Avi Feinberg

3 Weizman St.

Tel Aviv, 373737 Israel

November 4, 20.15

Mr. Daniel Cohen


Dizengoff Center

Tel Aviv, 4949494


Dear Mr. Cohen,

I recently came across your advertisement for the position of a sales associate in your music store. I would like to apply for this position,

Although I am only seventeen, I believe I am qualified for the position as I have vast musical knowledge and am familiar with a wide range of music styles. What's more, I am hard-working, responsible and extremely organized. I have strong social skills, which I believe are essential for a job like this. I am also a fast learner and a very dedicated person.

I have a flexible schedule and am willing to work overtime as well as all shifts, including weekends and holidays.

If the position is still available, I would appreciate an opportunity to speak with you in person about my potential candidacy.

I have attached references for your review. Please let me know if you have any questions. 1 am available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,

Avi Feinberg

A. What reasons does the writer give to explain why he is suitable for the job?


B. What other qualifications would someone need for this kind of job?

C. You are interested in working at a pet shop. Write an application letter expressing your interest and suitability for the job.

- Use the model letter and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 257-260).

- Write 120-140 words.


Read the model formal letter and complete the writing asks that follow.

2 - Letter of Application


Maayan Geva

5 Hapalmach St.

Ramat Gan, 375758 Israel

April 12,20.16

Ms. Lior Golan

12 Hagefen St.

Rehovot, 787996


Dear Ms. Golan,

I would like to apply for the position that has opened in your troupe, The Dance Masters. As I am currently manager / a member of a professional dance group {The Maoz Troupe), I feel that I am a highly suitable candidate for the position you are offering.

I saw your posting for the position in Dance Magazine, and was intrigued by the opportunity. The position described the need for someone with many years of experience in several types of dance.

My background in dance is all-encompassing. I have been dancing since 1 was 4 years old, both in Israel and abroad. I have had extensive training in modern ballet and jazz for the last 17 years. I studied at the Young and Professional Dance Academy, and then every summer studied at the American Ballet School in New York. My teachers are world-renowned, and I have several letters of reference from them.

I am also available to accompany the dance troupe on tour, both

domestically and internationally, if the opportunity arises.

I hope I have convinced you of my genuine interest in the position and of my exceptional skills in dance.

Attached are my CV and my letters of reference. Please do not hesitate

to contact me with any questions. Thank you for taking time to review my application.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

Maayan Geva


A. What typical features of an application letter does the above letter contain?

B. What reasons does the writer give to explain why she is suitable for the job?

C. If you were the manager to whom the letter had been addressed, would you consider the application favorably? Explain why / why not.

D. You are interested in joining a well-known band as their guitarist. Write a letter of application. Explain what makes you suitable for this job.

keep in mind

- Use the model letter and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 257-260). Write appropriate opening remarks.

- Specify the position you are applying for.

- State where you were informed about the position.

- State why you would like to apply for it.

- Give personal details: your age, skills and qualifications.

- Thank the employer for his or her time in reviewing your application.

Write 120-140 words.




Final Practice


Task 1 - A Letter of Complaint

Write a complaint letter to the school principal about collective punishment given by the science teacher. In your letter, explain the reason for writing the letter and what you expect to be done about the matter.

keep in mind

- Use the model letter and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 257-260).

- Open with a formal greeting.

- Clearly state the purpose of the letter.

- State your exact complaint.

- Give all the details of the complaint.

- State your expectation clearly.

- Make sure you finish with a formal closing.



Task 2 - A Letter of Application

Write an application letter for a job as a photographer's assistant. In your letter you need to highlight the skills and qualifications that make you suitable for this job.

keep in mind

- Use the model letter and the Writing Guidelines (see pages 257-260).

- Write appropriate opening remarks.

Specify the position you are applying for.

- State where you were informed about the position.

- State why you would like to apply for it.

- Give personal details: your age, skills and qualifications.

- Thank the employer for his or her time in reviewing your application.

- Write 120-140 words.





CHECKLIST Formal Complaint Letter



Did I clearly state the purpose for writing the letter?



Did I include all parts of a complaint letter?



Did I include useful language that suits the contents of the letter?



Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs into a logical order?

Did I use a formal tone?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Formal Complaint Letter



Did I clearly state the purpose for writing the letter?



Did I include all parts of a complaint letter?



Did I include useful language that suits the contents of the letter?



Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs into a logical order?

Did I use a formal tone?



Did I use linking words and useful expressions?



Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?



Did I write 120-140 words?



CHECKLIST Formal Complaint Letter


Did I clearly state the purpose for writing the letter?


Did I include all parts of a complaint letter?


Did I include useful language that suits the contents of the letter? Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs into a logical order?


Did I use a formal tone?


Did I use linking words and useful expressions?


Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?


Did I write 120-140 words?


CHECKLIST Formal Complaint Letter


Did I clearly state the purpose for writing the letter?


Did I include all parts of a complaint letter?


Did I include useful language that suits the contents of the letter? Did I arrange my ideas and paragraphs into a logical order?


Did I use a formal tone?


Did I use linking words and useful expressions?


Did I correct mistakes in capitalization, grammar, punctuation, and spelling?


Did I write 120-140 words?



(בספר רשימה של מילים ופירושן - היעזר במורה).

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